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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 699

As Tracey and Renee plopped into the sea, the silence of the night was broken. Renee was struggling in the water, but Tracey was sinking little by little.

Renee kept struggling and waited for passing ships. She was lucky, there was a beam of light coming over. Renee waved her hand and shouted hard toward the light.

On the coming ship, a man was smoking on the deck. "Look, someone is in the water!"

"Nonsense, this is the sea. Maybe it's a monster."

"No, did you hear it? She is shouting for help. Is there a ship crash nearby?" Two men looked at each other in cold eyes, falling into thoughts.

"We should report to boss."

In the cabin, the boss was resting with his eyes closed.

"Boss, we found a woman was asking for help in the water. We assumed a shipwreck happened nearby."

"I'll go check it out." The man pushed the woman beside him away and stood up, holding a smart torch, and walked out of the cabin. He searched people while sweeping the light over the sea.

"Help! Help me!" Renee appreciated God's grace to send her a timely lifesaving ship right at the time she was ready to accept death.

"It’s really a woman. Hmm, I'm in a good mood today. Put the rope down and let her climb up." The boss ordered.

"Yes, sir." The sailors knew their boss, one of his biggest hobbies was making fun of people.

The rope was thrown to Renee. "If you want to live, climb up."

Without thinking too much, Renee grasped the rope and began to climb. However, she was a spoiled lady and seldom exercised, with a weak body, it was quite difficult for her to climb up.

She had spent a lot of strength struggling in the water, and she was almost exhausted. She tried to climb, but she fell a few times from the rope. A bunch of men stood on the deck, watching Renee failed climbing again and again, no one would like to offer help.

"I, I can't make it. Please, help me. I accidentally fell from my ship, and the ship has already left. If you don't save me, I will die. Saving a life will bring you good karma, isn't it?" Renee said.

"Boss, it's cold, and the lady is so pitiful to soak in the water. How about saving her?" The only kind

man said.

Renee's lips were frozen blue. If she stayed in the water for a little longer, she would no doubt freeze to death.

"Stop talking." The boss glared at the speaker.

"Pull her up."

"Yes, sir."

Renee grasped the rope and being pulled onto the ship. She was glad that she was still alive, and she deemed Tracey had already died.

At the same time, a man shouted, "Boss, there are a lot of dolphins. Look, the dolphins seem to push a person out of the sea."

The boss turned on the flashlight again, with the light, he saw clearly that the dolphin did appear. They surrounded in a circle, and a woman was laying on them.

"I used to hear about dolphins saved lives. I didn't expect that it was true. This woman is so lucky, and God is saving her." A sailor said.


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