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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 724

Vaughn flustered at the sight of her tears. "What's wrong?" He asked hastily.

Tracey's mind drifted. How's the company running now? Can Setlla handle it?

"Miss, you look very familiar. Have I seen you somewhere before?" The shop assistant asked.

"I want this perfume." Tracey didn't answer her question.

"Okay. I'll wrap it up for you."

Vaughn was so bemused. What was so special about that perfume that she cried for it?

No one said a word on the way back, although Vaughn and Amiyah had so many questions.

Tracey took a shower and went to bed early. Vaughn searched the brand on his phone.

What he found stunned him.

"Amiyah, come and see!" Vaughn waved at her.

"Isn't this Tracey? Why is she there? It's... the perfume she bought today."

Now they knew that Tracey owned this brand and designed this perfume.

They directly entered Tracey's name in the search bar and find detailed information about her background.

"She is the daughter of one of the four most wealthy plutocrats and runs a company of her own," Vaughn said in astonishment.

"She told me she's not short of money. Now I see what she meant."

Vaughn flipped through the information about Tracey and soon saw a report about her fiance.

The report was titled The Most Wanted Bachelor Engaged.

Vaughn clicked the video attached. Adam was dressed in a black suit, his hair slicked back.

He was heavenly handsome.

He didn't talk much and the whole conversation was diplomatic.

But when asked about his engagement, the man smiled and said, "She's perfect. I'll marry her."

The tenderness on his face was perceivable.

There were also many photos of them together. She looked sweet in his arms.


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