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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 763

Tracey's resolution left Steve no choice, so he had to drive Tracey to R company.

"What will you say to your Mom?" Steve tried to figure out Tracey's plan.

"What else can I say? I want the truth."

Tracey felt it insufferable to be kept in the dark for so many years.

"The truth? What if it is unbearable? Don't you know white lies? Most truths are harsh, and ignorance is one kind of happiness."

Tracey's being kept in the dark was a pact agreed by those who loved Tracey, so Steve thought it better for Tracey to be ignorant.

If someone got to be hurt, Steve wished it were Tina rather than Tracey.

"Steve, I understand. However, if my happiness is built on the suffering of others, I would rather not have this kind of happiness." Tracey looked at the scenery flying by outside the window.

Tracey was protected by her mother all the time. She once felt confused why her mother disowned her.

As time went by, Tracey finally understood that it was another protection from her mother.

Tracey felt regretful that she had done nothing for her mother. If Tina was suffering now, Tracey hoped to accompany and soothe her.

As a filial daughter, Tracey would like to share Tina's bitterness or sufferings.

"Tracey, sometimes you're too stubborn." Steve sighed.

"Steve, you would do the same thing as I did, only if you were in my shoes. Your mother..."

"No, I don't have a mother." Steve didn't like to talk about his family, especially his parents. Tracey shut up submissively.

They arrived at R building in silence. Tracey had a special feeling whenever passing by this building, perhaps because of Tina.

Tracey was once here, and her appearance impressed the receptionist, "Hello, Miss Xia."

"Hello, I want to see the president." Tracey came straight to the point.

"I'm sorry, Miss Xia. Our president has been on leave for several weeks. Now the person in charge is the vice president. You can contact the vice president if you have any business problem," the receptionist said respectfully.

Her arrival should be a surprise, and what the receptionist said didn't sound like an excuse. Tracey had a bad feeling, "Since she has been away so long, do you know what happened to her?"

"The president seems to be in poor health. It is said that she blacked out at an important meeting one day. And she has never shown up in the company since then."

"If you have a business problem, may I contact our vice- president for you?" the receptionist suggested friendly.

The receptionist didn't want to offend Tracey for her similar appearance to Tina.

"No, thank you." The information that Tina was sick surprised Tracey, as she had thought Tina was under the threat of Rocco.


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