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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 772

His phone was turned off when Tina called Adam back, 'Is he on the plane? Or is he with Tracey?'

"It is said that she left with Mira."

"Mira! What does she want?"

"For your sake, Mira always wants to get Tracey back to her position. Last time she intended to make you acknowledge Tracey and arranged a meeting for you two on purpose."

"Mira loves you, as you brought her up. If Tracey's return will do you good, I am sure that Tina would love to make it happen."

"But that will ruin Tracey! And it makes my efforts in the past years ridiculous. Go check where Tracey is now." Tina got exasperated.

Erica held Tina's hands instantly, "Patriarch, calm down, for the sake of your health!"

Tina shook her head, "No! You know the old in the family. They have only the family interest in their heart. They don't give a crap on the health of Tracey."

"You can do nothing to it. It is the tradition that the family interests come first in the old." "Ramiro is faithful to the late patriarch. She asked him to serve the family well, and Ramiro is always at her beck and call."

"During your disappearance, Rocco was selected to be a backup in case that we failed to find you back."

"Ramiro knew nothing about Tracey until recently. The company lost a lot of orders, and Ramiro looked into this problem and found Tracey."

"This finding settles that Rocco's dream shatters and Tracey will be the successor." Erica shook her head.

"Not everyone wants to be the successor." Tina knew what it meant to be a successor, and that was why she left.

It seemed awesome to the successor, in charge of the R family and company; however, no pains, no gains.

The price one should pay to be a patriarch was to die alone. Tina didn't like this, so she escaped. She wished Tracey to be a common woman, not this patriarch.

"You take a rest first, and I will go check where Tracey is now." Erica left. She knew this R family was a hard nut to crack, but there was no way out for a family member.

Neymar heard the conversation, "Venus, everyone has his own fate. You're not a god, and you are helpless before fate."

"But this is the only thing I can do for my child, as a mother. All my efforts seem ridiculous now, as nothing changes." Tina nodded dejectedly.

"You want to protect her, but has it occurred to you that Tracey shares the same mind with you? Mira, not your daughter, wants to protect you, so how will Tracey take it? You are not the only one who wants to devote and sacrifice in the world." Neymar soothed Tina tenderly.

It was in nature that mothers wanted to protect their own children. It happened in the animal kingdom, so in the human world.

Tina didn't want Tracey to experience that terrible life like hers.

"Neymar, you don't understand. For the sake of my child, I will give up my life with pleasure."

"I know. But Venus, there are people in the world who care about and love you."


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