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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 785

Adam was amused when she spoke into the air with a serious face. He said dotingly, "How old are you, my dear? There is no way the baby can hear you."

"Adam, I want to eat cotton candy. Can you buy it for me?" Tracey looked up.

"Wait here. I'll be back in a sec." Adam said and then left.

Tracey's eyes were alight with happiness. She liked amusement parks very much. She wanted to leave her last memories in this heaven-like place here.

Adam came back with cotton candy in his hand. "Here you are."

"Thank you." Tracey took a bite. The sweet taste intensified the bitterness in her heart.

"How's it?"

"Good. Have a try." Tracey handed it to Adam. But he dipped his head and pecked on her face.

Before she could react, Adam pulled her into a kiss, his hands on her waist.

"Wow, daddy, mommy, they are kissing. I want to take a photo with them." A golden-haired little boy with blue eyes crouched down in front of them.

Adam and Tracey looked like the prince and princess in fairy tales. Everything was perfect.

They parted when Tracey heard the click of the camera. She glared at Adam like she was really angry, her face flushed.

"Hey there, gorgeous." The little boy said.

"Hey there, cutie." Tracey liked children very much and being an expectant mother made that affinity even stronger.

"I just took a photo with you two. Are you angry?" He said apologetically, his fingers intertwined like he was afraid of being scolded.

Tracey melted in his cuteness. "No. What's your name?"

"Pikachu." His eyes were sparkling.

But soon he got a knock on his head.

"Miss, don't listen to him. His name is Avery," a young woman behind the little boy said.

"Mommy, I was joking. She's so beautiful," Avery said as he blinked his eyes, not apologetic at all.

Tracey was intrigued by this little naughty elf.

"Apologies. He's been such a mischievous boy." A tall man picked the boy up. He had golden hair and green cold eyes.

The boy was the mini version of him in appearance, but he had an opposite temperament.

"It doesn't matter. Little Avery is very cute." Tracey smiled.

"When will learn to behave?" The man asked the boy.


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