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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 789

Tracey took a deep breath. The thought that what awaited her was irrevocable unnerved her.

"Everything has been arranged. Please."

When the gate clanged close behind her, she knew things were set in stone from this moment.

Tracey walked down the sun-lit corridor to a big room.

The best medical team was waiting for her here.

"Good morning, miss." Everyone in the room bowed to her in reverence. Her family preferred traditional manners.

Tracey gave a start. She looked uneasy.

"Don't do this," Tracey said, "We're not in some medieval castle."

"Miss, they are the doctors in charge of your health conditions." Ramiro introduced.

These doctors were from the best hospitals in the world.

"Thank you for coming," Tracey said.

"You don't need to thank us. We're highly paid to be here. Let's start." The leading doctor said amiably.

Tracey's phone buzzed in her pocket.

"My bad. I forgot to confiscate your phone. You won't need it in the future anyway," Ramiro said.

Tracey rapidly skimmed through the message from Adam.

Her fingers flew over the keys. "Adam, you can't forget me! I'll wait for you!"

She felt so relieved and moved that he was still there for her after knowing her decision.

"Ramiro, I'm ready."

"All right."

They scanned every organ of her body and recorded comprehensively all her physical data.

When the results of the baby were out, one doctor told her in a surprised voice "Miss, you're pregnant with twins."

Tracey was dumbfounded. The most surprising news always came at the most dismal time.

"Really?" Tracey couldn't believe her eyes.

"You can't doubt the most advanced equipment. The babies look great. Don't worry."

"Am I all good?" Tracey asked.

"Yes, you're very healthy, totally eligible for FT2. Enough for this phase. You can have breakfast before we continue."


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