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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 876

Although Avery had booked only one room this time, he did not want to do anything to Serena at all. Serena was still too young.

Never in his wildest imagination had he dreamed that Serena would put his hands on her breasts. Feeling the tenderness against his palms, he knew perfectly well what it was.

At this moment, the blush quickly spread to the back of Avery's ears, and his whole face turned red.

"Serena...you..." Avery, who was always sharp-tongued, did not know how to answer at this moment.

"Say it, you don't like mine, do you? You like big breasts like Addilyn, don't you?" Serena asked this question seriously.

Avery felt both angry and amused. "What are you thinking? You are only 12 years old, and she is 17 years old. You still got a long way to go. And even if you don't become like her, I will still love you and you only."

"Humph, that's not what you think. Have you ever done any bad things?" Serena thought of the condom she had seen in the grove.

Teenagers tended to be unable to hold down their desire and Avery, a teenager, must have his desires and urges as well.

He was so handsome and tall, and muscular, a lot of girls must be dreaming daily about having him.

Serena expressed her deep doubts. Did he mess around with others behind her back?

"My good Serena, God help me if I'm lying, don't you have any feelings for what I have done to you? Do you want to carve out my heart and show it to you so that you can believe me?"

Avery put her hand on his chest and she heard his strong heartbeat. "I... I believe you."

"Serena, I really haven't done anything with Addilyn. I have never been with a girl alone before.

I can assure you that I will wait for you to grow up."

Seeing the man's sincere face, Serena's heart beat faster and her heart was flooded with joy.

Avery," she suddenly called out to him in a serious tone.


"I think I've started to like you. Not the kind of like a girl would have for her brother but the kind of like... my mom has for my dad." Serena realized this.

Why did she reject when Anabel told her to pass along the love letter? Why did she feel like there's a huge rock pounding at her chest when Addilyn tried to get closer to Avery? That was all because she had already regarded Avery as hers.

She did not allow any of the other girls to get their hands on her Avery, not even spending time alone with her.

Avery was delighted to hear that she liked him. "Serena, are you serious? Do you really like me?"

"I'm sorry, Avery. I haven't seen my heart clearly until now." Suddenly, Serena could understand Avery's mood.

What did he feel when he saw others pursue her? Even if he did, he still took care of her, minding what she thought at all times. What he had gone through must have been much harder.

"Serena, I, I am really happy. Do you know? I am most afraid that you will fall in love with others in the future and you will ask me to give up."

Finally, the pressure on Avery's heart was relieved, and he felt unprecedentedly happy. He had watched her grow up since Serena was born.

He didn't know why he had such a strong connection with the little girl. When Tracey asked him to choose between Serena and Thirza, he chose Serena without hesitation.

Later, he, like an old hen protecting his chicken, carefully took care of Serena as she grew up, and his love for her was getting deeper and deeper.

"What kind of choice will you make if there is really such a day?" Serena asked.

"I will never bless you. Maybe I will take you from whoever it will be you wanna be with or maybe I'll just die alone."

"Avery, I won't be with anyone else except for you for the rest of my life." Suddenly, Serena did not want to deceive herself. Obviously, she liked Avery.


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