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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 886

The driver soon arrived. In order to fulfill the task given to him, he deliberately dressed up as a janitor. He bought the clothes by the roadside for 200 bucks.

The orange jumpsuit soon attracted the attention from students passing by as he made his way to the headteacher's office.

Looking at the man in his fifties, dressed in a janitor's uniform, the teacher pushed her glasses.

Judging from Serena's face and her temperament, her father should not be like this. But after thinking about it, she decided that Serena might look more like her mother.

"Ahem, so you are Serena's parent?"

"Yes, I'm Serena's legal guardian."

"Since you are her father, she has beaten my daughter and made her head swell. What do you think we should do?" Anabel's dad saw that Serena's father looked all thin and weak, he propped up his chest like a proud cock.

The driver's professional instinct flared up. He immediately took a 90-degree bow and said, "I'm sorry, sorry for the trouble brought upon you.

His sincere attitude made Anabel's father a little embarrassed, unable to snap.

Upon seeing this, Miss Brooks quickly tried to smooth things over and said, "Since that's the case and Serena didn't do it on purpose, let's put it all behind us."

"Behind? Easy for you to say. Who will pay for my daughter's medical fees?" Mr. Perry finally put forward his true intentions.

"So, money's what you are after." The driver was not surprised. Before Mr. Perry could say anything else, he continued, "That's totally reasonable. I got ten grand here, do you think that can cover it?"

The Xiao family, unsurprisingly, paid their drivers quite well. Seeing the "janitor" taking out a stack of 100-dollar bill shocked Mr. Perry.

What he actually spent at the hospital for Anabel was actually only a few dozen bucks.

He was hoping for nothing more than one grand, two tops.

Seeing the suspicious expressions on Mr. Perry's face, Serena knew she had to make the act more convincing, so she said, "Dad, that's what you make in four months... I'm really sorry..."

The driver also immediately understood the hints and said, "Serena, it's okay. All I ask of you is that you study hard and don't make any trouble at school from now on."

"I will definitely do."

Hearing this, Miss Brooks also felt a bit pitiful towards them. After all, according to what they said, they might have a quite hard time in the coming few months. "Mr. Perry, wouldn't you say ten grand is a bit too much? You heard what they said... do you..."

"Do I what? What? My daughter was almost disfigured! I could've sued his a*s for much more than ten grand! I'm already showing mercy! If this ever happens again, ten grand's not gonna cut it!" Fearing that the money might be taken back, Mr. Perry took hold of Mrs. Perry and stormed out of the room.

Knowing that the Perrys clearly bullied Serena's father, an honest and simple man, Miss Brooks said, "Serena, take heed in the future and I hope what happened this time is a lesson learned for you. If anything like this ever happens again, do remember to come to me first, alright?"

"I get it, Miss Brooks. Thank you."

"Sure thing."

The driver also took the opportunity to leave, heaving a sigh of relief for finally completing the task.

As for Miss Brooks, she not only didn't plan to punish Serena but also somehow felt quite pitiful towards her for having to suffer such a blow. At the school gate, the driver wiped his sweats and asked, "Was that good, young madam?"

"You've done a good job. I'll ask daddy to raise your salary this month. I'm counting on you to help me next time."

"There's a next time?" The driver was happy to hear that the salary could be raised.


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