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Domineering Lover novel Chapter 988

Rose was a little surprised by their attitude towards her. She quickly reached out her hand to Zayne and said, "I'm Rose."

Before his hand could touch Zayne, it was pulled back by Caesar.

"Caesar, I'm just trying to shake her hands."

"If you wanna shake hands, shake mine."

Even if they were good friends who grew up together, Caesar didn't want other men to touch Rose.

"Since that's the case, Eugenie Grandet, gimme my fifty million back," Freddie said.

"Why don't we make it bargain chips since you are now in my casino?" Caesar raised his eyebrows.

The others also agreed. "I've never seen you play cards before. Lucky day for us!"

"Do you really want to make a bet?" Freddie was shocked.

Only Zayne and Freddie knew that Caesar stopped gambling long ago, be it a real bet on a table or just a simple game between friends.

Seeing how much he cared about Rose, they guessed that this woman must have changed him, allowing him to walk out of the shadow.

From their expressions, Rose could tell that there was something she didn't know. "What? You run a casino but you don't play cards yourself?"

"Now I can play. Do you wanna watch or do you wanna be a part of it?" Caesar turned to look at Rose and said in a much gentler voice.

The others were stunned. They had never seen Caesar, the thousand- year- old iceberg, act so gently.

"A part of it?" Rose did not understand what he meant. She thought it was just a game between him and his friends.

"It seems we are one dealer short here in this room. Do you want to try?" Caesar didn't force her.

If she agreed to be his girlfriend, Rose would have all his money, money that she can't use up for the rest of her life.

But Rose was not that kind of woman. All she wanted to do was to make her own honest money. Caesar had no choice but to give her a chance to work at his own casino.

It not only was a proper job but meanwhile, he could also keep an eye on her all the time lest she was bullied by anyone.

"You sure you want me to do it?" Rose had clearly told him that she had only been on the job for two days. With millions of dollars, they would really want a more professional dealer with the scale of their game.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He was not worried about it not only because he had confidence in Rose but also that he owned one of the biggest casinos in the world, it was the least he could do for his woman.

"Hey, you guys wanna get a room? There are people around you, see?" Freddie whistled.

"At least we don't f*ck everywhere without a condom and have so many kids around the f*cking globe that they could form up a soccer match." Caesar retorted. Freddie, in truth, was the real playboy around here.

"You'd never say words that harsh to me before you got yourself a girlfriend, I'm so hurt." Freddie put a hand on his chest, pretending to be miserable.

"Enough, tik-tok, my friends. Let's not waste our time on bickering anymore since our Mr. Peterson here isn't likely to spend too much time with us in the future now that he's got Rose."

"Deal the cards then, Mrs. Peterson." One of them flattered.

Rose blushed instantly upon receiving such a way of addressing. "Um, I, I'm not yet." "Right, not yet, but soon to be," the others kicked up a fuss.

Just as they were laughing and messing around, the door was knocked on gently and a figure with a polite smile stood outside.

"Allow me to introduce myself, distinguished guests. I'll be the dealer for you today and I'm Katie Fraser."

"Katie," Rose cried out happily when she saw Katie standing at the door.

As soon as she saw Rose was also here and was at Caesar's side, Katie's heart tightened.


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