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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Are We Brothers or Not?

The colours of the sunset were diffused across the sky.

Every time the sun set or rose over the sea, people had the illusion that they could see the end of the world.

Adam wandered around to Marcus with his hands behind his back like a little adult, "It's such a beautiful day. Marcus, should we pop up some champagne to celebrate?"

"Go away," said Marcus.


So Adam turned and walked away.

Martin dropped a grape into his mouth and laughed, "Is it me, or are you drunk?"

It was indeed an excellent time to drink. However... how could he drink in front of his sister! Martin thought.

Then he waved his hand, "I'll leave it alone. How about a bottle of cola?"

Adam was speechless.

What a baby! He thought.

Louis actually came over with a large bottle of Coke in his arms.

Ivan asked, "Is there any milk ......"

Louis replied. "No."

"Then I'll have a Coke too." Ivan nodded.

The glow of the setting sun was splendid; what a waste that they only drink coke on this luxury liner.

Philip was silent.

The rich world was not something he could comprehend, he thought.

It was time for them to go home after experiencing the ocean scenery on the cruise. It was simply impossible to suddenly get accustomed to the difference between a warm beach and a chilly city.

As soon as Quentin got off the plane, it shivered and flew to Nancy's shoulder, trying to get inside her collar. However, Marcus mercilessly grabbed it out and threw it to Adam.

"You'd better not keep her up."

Quentin shivered as Marcus shot it a quick glance, feeling that this horrible human was more frightening than the freezing air outside.

He was the last person I wanted to screw with, Quentin told itself.

Quentin had to nestle in the hat behind Adam's back.

"Get off my hat!" said Adam.

Its voice muffled across the hat.

"No! No!"

Nancy fell asleep in the arms of her big brother as soon as they got on the plane since she had spent the whole day playing wild at the beach. She was now wrapped in Marcus' jacket and carried off the plane, revealing only a hairy head, with her little face buried in her clothes.

They went straight back to the Brook family in L City this time. Ivan also followed them with the intention of staying for a few days.

"Hey, there you are!"

James had been waiting for a long time. At this moment, he walked over with a big smile on his face and then held his daughter from his eldest son's arms.

"I'll let it go for the sake of your old age." Marcus thought.

James held the sleeping Nancy like holding a treasure. He didn't take off the coat until he walked back into the house to keep her from getting cold.

The little girl was warm as a sunned cat, quiet and delicate.

"Uncle James, we'll sleep at your house today..."

Martin yawned lazily.

James carried his daughter upstairs and said, "Pick the rooms yourself. Nancy will sleep with Windy and me today."

As soon as Adolph and Harley came back, they found their nests. Even Gee had an extra litter to sleep in.

They were having so much fun on the cruise that it was now 2:00 A.M. when they returned. James must have come through a hard time waiting.

Nancy looked dazed when she woke up the next day. Only after her mother had dressed her did she come to herself.

"Good morning, mummy."


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