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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 124

Chapter 124 Twins

The rich in L City had been excited recently.

This was because the Brook family was going to hold a birthday party for Nancy, who came back after years of disappearance.

"Nancy has been back for such a long time. I used to think the Brook family would keep her stay away from public view."

"I heard that Nancy lived a miserable life in a village before coming back to the Brook's villa. All great and wealthy families in L City have taught their daughters etiquette since childhood. I am afraid that Nancy is rough in manner and will shame her family..."

"Let's go and have a look. You can also go with the dancer of genius in your family. Nancy must be inferior by comparison."

"The members of the Brook family are always outstanding. But now it seems that Nancy is not a presentable girl."

Several idle men from wealthy families spoke ill of the Brook family recklessly. They were always inferiors when their families compared them with the children of the Brook family.

So they didn't have a good impression of the Brook family and also felt jealous.

But they didn't admit their envy. They thought Marcus and his younger brothers were all idiots for working so hard. With such a great and profound family background, Marcus and his younger brothers could just live a leisure life.

Just as the idle men continued their chat, the door of their private box was suddenly kicked open.

The loud noise startled all of them. They saw Louis staring at them indifferently with his hands in his trouser pockets. Louis looked horrible with his gloomy face, his eyes full of anger.

"What did you say? Can I join your chatting?"

Those idle men were frightened.

But they soon calmed themselves down. They often caused trouble and weren't afraid of trouble.

"Louis, why are you here? We didn't say anything just now."

They decided to play the fool.

"That's right. What do you want to do? I am from the Smith family and I don't fear you!"

Louis smiled grimly, "Why did I come here?"

A person in the box suddenly stood up and looked at these idle men with contempt.

"I asked Louis to come here."

This man was Seth Yates, Louis' worst enemy.

Seth used his mobile phone to record all the idle men had said just now.

They were irritated at once, "Seth! You betrayed us!"

Seth stretched and looked at them with contempt.

"Don't slander me. I disdain to be with you. It's disgusting that you cursed a five-year-old girl behind her back!"

"You bastard!"

Louis kicked one of the idle men down, which threw the box into turmoil.

The idle men only enjoyed themselves with feasting and other kinds of entertainment. So they were no match for Louis and Seth and were knocked to the ground in a short time. But all of them were brought to the police station again.

Louis got custody and made a call to Martin.

"Martin, I'm at the police station. Help me make bail..."

Before he could finish speaking, Martin hung up.

Martin threw his phone aside. Then he turned over in his bed and continued to sleep.

Louis was speechless.

He thought Martin was still so unreliable. And he decided to take revenge on Martin in the future.

Then he called Neil, but Neil didn't answer the phone.

Louis wanted to call Marcus, but he feared that Marcus would beat him. He finally decided to call someone else.

He gave Ivan a call.

Ivan asked, "Why were you in the police station?"

Louis was calm and replied boldly and uprightly, "I got into a fight."

Ivan said, "It's wrong to fight with others. Are you hurt?"

Louis felt there was a hint of pleasure in Ivan's voice.


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