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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 127

Chapter 127 Handsome Brothers

Many luxury cars are parked at the entrance of the Venice Hotel. Men and women in various dresses and suits get off the luxury cars elegantly and dignifiedly. They hand the invitations to the waiter at the entrance of the hotel and walk into the banquet hall.

Today is the birthday party of the daughter of the Brook family. Actually, everyone knows that the main purpose is to introduce the only daughter of the Brook family, who was just found back from the countryside, to everyone in the circle.

Except for few guests who have seen Nancy and know how the Brook family dotes on the only daughter, most of the guests have never seen her and do not know how the Brook family treats this young lady.

Many people are observing. Is today's banquet held because of pampering this girl, or is it a face-saving activity?

The banquet hall is full of guests and friends. No matter what the reason is, many people try their best to attend such a luxury banquet, especially the stars of the entertainment circle and people from small family enterprises. After all, such an occasion is a good place for networking.

Windy Brook, James Brook, and the family of the concubine have been here very early to welcome the guests. All of them come with smiles on their faces to say congratulations, and then chat with each other.

"It's almost the time. Our sons should be coming soon."

James Brook looks at the time. He doesn't know which place have those boys taken Nancy to.


There is a hubbub at the door, James Brook and the others look over, only to see his eldest son coming over. His face is expressionless, just the same as before. But if people observe him carefully, every time he lowers his head there is tenderness in his eyes.

Marcus Brook holds Nancy's little hand and walks much slower than usual, but he doesn't have less momentum.

Among his peers, except his own brothers, anyone standing in front of him would be suppressed by his momentum, as if they are inexplicably shorter.

Nancy is very nervous. Even if she has attended a banquet before, that time it was for someone else. She and her cousin were eating in the corner and not many people noticed her. But now, she is the protagonist of this banquet and will be watched by all people.

Although Nancy is nervous, she jumps happily as if there is a naughty bunny in her chest. But she is even more afraid of making her brothers and the Brook family humiliated, so she tries to hold her head high and not show timidity.

She has so many brothers, so... she's not afraid!

After encouraging herself, she takes his eldest brother's hand and walks in. She is as majestic as a little rooster that is going to the battlefield, which makes her brothers smile slightly.

Right after she enters, she is looked at by many pairs of eyes. Nancy's small body is suddenly strained. Her delicate smiling face becomes very serious.

Fortunately, there are many excellent brothers around. They help to attract most of the attention for her.

"Don't be afraid."

A warm palm is placed on the small back of her body. Neil Brook's clear voice comes from above her head.

Nancy nods seriously, um... She's not afraid!

The little girl is standing beside the eldest brother and the second brother. Although the twin brothers look the same, it's not difficult for people to tell if they stand together. They have different temperaments but are equally excellent.

Then several other people line up. Each of them have unique personality charm, which surprises all the people.

The fops of the same age look at these people with envy and jealousy. They especially envy the Brook family twins and the very famous Jacob Brook. These three have made extraordinary achievements in different fields.


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