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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 155

Chapter 155 Let Go Of My Nose

The painting Ivan Carter painted was finally seen by Louis Brook on the second day. It was a picture of him sprinting on the field, but with a huge black panther behind him.

The eyes of the person and the leopard were both sharp. They had exactly the same unique sense of wild domineering. The contagiousness of the painting can give people a shocking and stunning visual impact.

Louis Brook raised the corner of his mouth and moved the painting away. Ivan Carter couldn't outran him, which made him angry with rage.

No wonder he bit people. It was mainly because Louis Brook was too annoying.

The school sports meeting continued the next day. And they brought a big box of strawberries to school today.

In the cheers of Class Four, Louis Brook waved his hand, "This is planted by my sister herself. Monitor, find some people to distribute them."

"Ahhhh, sister, you are so good."

"Your sister planted them, really? Ah! This is awesome."

"Brother Louis, I love you!"

Louis Brook disdained, "Go away!"


The students in Class Four laughed heartily, and the students in other classes felt nothing but envious.

Nancy laughed even more happily because everyone liked it. Of course she was happy that the strawberries she planted were liked.

"So happy?"

Louis Brook squeezed her soft cheeks, which was so soft that he was reluctant to let go. Thanks to him for protecting her. Otherwise her little face would have been pinched by the girls in the class.

Nancy nodded obediently. She tilted her feet and shook her head with her clear eyes sparkling.

"Yes, I'm happy."

"If you like to grow fruit so much, why not let the big brother buy you a manor directly?"

Nancy blinked her eyes, raised her head and asked, "What is a manor?"

Then Louis Brook searched the pictures of manors for her on his mobile phone. The manors generally covered a large area. After all, they were mainly used for planting crops or grazing.

Nancy's eyes lightened as she saw the pictures.

"Buy it!"

"Go back and tell your eldest brother. I would like to buy one for you, but I can't afford it now."

Louis Brook was so sorry. He wanted to make money as soon as possible, but he was still in school. And so many things were restricted.

But... Things will be fine if he went to college. Or he could skip college and directly start a club?

He has always wanted to have a racing club. But he had to slow down and the major reason was he didn't have much money.

"No, I'm rich."

Nancy began to count her fingers with her childish voice.

"Father, grandfather, mother, my big brother and my second brother gave me a lot, and... they paid a lot of money to Nancy's card every month. I haven't used much.

I bought gifts for brothers last time. But after I gave you the gifts , you gave me red envelopes. And I have a lot of extra money in my card. I don't know how to spend the money."

Her tone made Louis Brook feel envious, he felt sour. In this way, his money was probably way more less than Nancy's.

Louis Brook "..."

Tod Anderson and the others who were walking over "..."

The drinks in their hands fell to the ground with a bang. And Tod Anderson and Edward Evans's mouths were wide open.

"Rich girl!"

With a heart-wrenching cry, Tod Anderson flew over and hugged little Nancy, "Please raise me!"

Louis Brook kicked him, "Stay away from my sister!"

Although... Nancy was indeed a little rich girl.

Most parts of the school sports were boring. After Nancy watched Louis Brook's high jump competition the next day, she didn't plan to go on the third day.

But that night, an older brother slipped into her bedroom.


The readers' comments on the novel: Doted by My Seven Brothers