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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 164

Chapter 164 Two in One

"Nancy, we're having a parents' meeting tomorrow." Adam looked at his sister expectantly and winked with hints as he said this.

Nancy blinked her eyes, "Okay."

Adam couldn't calm down.

"Okay? That's your reply?" Adam thought.

He looked at the little girl with hidden bitterness in his eyes, "Have you forgotten our promise??"

At the last word, he saw the little one smiling meekly. Her eyes curved like a waxing moon.

Adam rebuked demurely with a snort, "How dare you tease your brother, huh? You've got some nerve!"

He started tickling Nancy when he finished speaking, and the little girl chuckled and ran away.

James was too busy to attend his parents' meeting, so Windy attended the meeting instead.

“You can do it, mum; I‘ll hang out with Nancy at school.”

Windy replied, "Take the bodyguard with you. Don't go far."

Since the last incident, Nancy always took bodyguards with her wherever she went these days. Even if she was walking her dog, she had to be followed by two stalwart guys so her family could be relieved.

The family was worried that Nancy would be upset if someone always followed her. However, it turned out that the little girl cooperated in a particular understanding manner and volunteered to bring bodyguards with her.

She knew that her dad and brothers did it for her good, so she didn't shut these bodyguards out.

Adam took Nancy straight to find his good buddies in class.

"Adam is here!"

"That's his sister beside him, right?"

"I think her name is Nancy. Adam talks about how beautiful his sister is every day. I thought it was not true."

"Wow, Adam's sister is so beautiful."

Adam strutted forward like a rooster, holding hands with his sister. The two were quickly surrounded.

"Adam, is this your sister? Hey, my name is Samson Judith."

"And me. Nice to meet you. I'm Eli Bruce."

"Cooper Renaults. Nancy, you're so pretty. You know, we should exchange numbers. I'll play games with you later!"

Adam was furious. He brought his sister to show off, not for them to please!

"Back off! This is my sister. No one is allowed to touch her!"

Adam shielded the little one behind him like an old hen protecting a chicken, glaring fiercely at his buddies around him. At this moment, his best buddies turned into vicious weasels who wanted to steal his cute sister.

Nancy pulled at her brother's clothes with her little hands. She looked around at Adam's classmates curiously with big dark eyes, then her eyes curved into lovely little crescents as she politely greeted everyone with her soft voice.

Secretly they thought, "She's so adorable and her voice was also sweet. I want to pet her head. Adam did not lie to us: his sister is a lovely beauty!"

Nowadays, pupils were acting dramatically. Especially in front of a good-looking opposite sex, they straightened their bodies.

"We'll just take a look. You've been talking all day about how beautiful your sister is and making us curious. Now you've brought her to school and you won't let us see her?"

"That's right. Nancy, I'm telling you, your brother ......"

"Shut up, you guys!"

Adam was so ashamed that his whole face turned red. Nancy covered her small mouth and snickered. She really didn't expect that her little brother, who was usually so tsundere, would show her off every day in front of his classmates.

Being told out by her brother's classmates, the little girl also felt a little shy, but more than that, she was happy from the bottom of her heart.

Adam wanted to cover up while his face was as red as a monkey's butt, "I didn't say those words!"

"Huh, why can't you just admit it, man?"

"By the way, when are you going to school, sis? Your brother has said that all the boys in our class will form a knightly order to protect you. If anyone dares to bully you at school we'll be the first to kick his ass!"

"Yes, so now we have all the members of the Knights. When are you coming to school?"

A group of boys looked at Nancy with anticipation. Such a beautiful and cute little sister was certainly in need of their protection, they thought.

Bodyguards not far away were speechless.

How could these little ones come up with such a shameful and childish team name?

Nancy took her brother's hand and said softly, "I ...... don't know."


The readers' comments on the novel: Doted by My Seven Brothers