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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 197

Chapter 197 Enrollment in School

"Mrs. Brook, this is your second son, isn't he? He's such a good-looking gentleman."

"It's really kind of you to say. Are you bringing your child to sign up?"

Mrs. Lewis nodded, "This is my son. This is your Auntie Brook."

After a brief mutual introduction, Mrs. Lewis shifted the conversation to Neil. She covertly said she also had a daughter studying abroad who was so brilliant, and she would like to introduce them to each other someday. Windy politely rejected and replied expertly with vagueness before she left with her sons and daughter.

But this didn't just happen once. On the way, anyone who knew Windy found a way to strike up a conversation, and when they saw Neil, they said they had a daughter, a niece, or a cousin. It was like a big blind date scene.

The smile on Neil's face was natural at first but then stiffened.

He pushed up his glasses with a helpless expression. If his elder brother were here, these people would never have come over to talk about these; at most, they would talk to his mother in private.

Windy teasingly glanced at her son and said, "We don't wanna rush you, but you must try harder. Don't spend all day in the lab. I bet when you get a little older, the government will be desperate to find you a girlfriend."

Neil squeezed his sister's tiny hand and said gently, "Mom, I don't have time to find a girlfriend. Now even if I did find one, I would have to stay at the institute for a long time and not come back, which is even harder than a long-distance relationship. Isn't that a waste of her time?"

Windy thought so. But he should keep looking. He couldn't live with that lab for the rest of his life, she thought.

"Then you aren't interested in any of the excellent girls in your institute?"

Neil replied, "It depends on fate. Anyway, there's no one I like right now. Isn't brother Marcus also single?"

When Windy thought of her eldest son's stern face and his intense oppression that made people retreat, she was really worried that no one would like her eldest son in the future. "No, I have to push him!" Windy told herself.

Neil looked down and met Nancy's curious gaze. He raised his hand to pinch his sister's fleshy face.

"Even if I were to find a girlfriend, first of all, she should be nice to you."

Neil and Marcus were not keen on relationship matters and went with the flow. Instead, they were raising Nancy as their daughter. If they were to find a girlfriend in the future, the first requirement would be that she must be nice to Nancy.

Windy quite agreed with this point. Although the Brook family had no requirements for their future daughter-in-law, they did not want a troublemaker in their family.

Nancy smiled artless at his words and then said in a baby voice,

"The one should be nice to you."

Windy was so relieved. The siblings got along well. She and her husband also had a good relationship, and after she married into the Brook family, there was no such drama as the in-laws making things difficult for her. She had been living in a honey pot all her life.

Having been happy in her life, she certainly wanted her children to be happy too. Especially her youngest daughter Nancy, she only hoped that her daughter would have a better life than herself.

The matter of finding a girlfriend was tabled for now, and Neil quickly changed the subject as they went straight to the headmaster.

The headmaster's eyes instantly lit up when he saw Neil coming.

Neil also studied here when he was a child. At that time, the headmaster was a teacher and taught in Neil's class. At that time, he was particularly impressed with this intelligent and quiet child.

As Neil grew up, his academic performance was so outstanding that he left all the children of his age behind. He went straight from university to work in one of the country's most important research institutes. Who wouldn't be proud to have taught a kid with such an impressive record?


The readers' comments on the novel: Doted by My Seven Brothers