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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 213

Chapter 213 I Want to Have So Many Brothers Too

"Clay figurine, a birthday present for my little brother. I want to give him a surprise. Jane, you must not tell my little brother now."

Nancy whispered to Jane as if she was afraid that Adam might hear her, even though he was not here now.

Jane was very cooperative and zipped her hand with her mouth. She whispered very discreetly.

"Don't worry. I definitely won't tell him!"

The two children put their heads together, one seriously making a clay figurine while the other watched intently.

As Jane watched, she wanted to make it too.

"Nancy, do you have any more of this kind of mud? I want to play with it too."

"Yes, there's a lot more."

Her second brother had bought her quite a lot of it.

After that, it was just one person playing with 'mud' before, now it was two people. It was just that one had actually made a small figurine, and the other couldn't even tell what she made.

Jane glanced wistfully at the small clay figurine Nancy made, which was delicate and animated with all the nicely made facial features. But what Jane made...

'I must make a rabbit today,' she thought.

Jane got into a fight with the clay.

It took Nancy almost an hour to finally get the clay figurine's clothes finished. She turned her head to look at Jane, and there was a row of unidentifiable things laid out in front of Jane.

Nancy moved over and identified it with difficulty. She looked at the two little bumps that bulged out from a pile that was neither round nor square and said,

"This is a cat!"

Jane replied, "... No, I'm making a rabbit."

She failed several times, but it still didn't work.

"Don't do it anymore. Let's take Akio and the others to play."

Nancy stood up and shook her little arms and legs and wiggled her little buttocks. She even explained to Jane in a serious manner.

"It's good for your health to stand up and move around more, and you would live a long life."

The bodyguard hiding in the shadows to protect Nancy was speechless.

The bodyguard thought, 'It's amazing. She's just a kid and she's already thinking about living a long life.'

Jane was misled and did the same with Nancy. Jane wiggled her neck and kicked her legs, wiggled her butt and waved her arms.

When the furry animals in the room glanced at their little master, they chirped and wiggled their little butts and fluttered their wings every now and then.

Since the first one they saw when they opened their eyes was Nancy, they would often learn some of her movements, although they could only flap their little wings and wiggle their little butts, which was too easy for them.

"Come on. Let's go."

Nancy picked up Gage's nest, followed by a string of little energetic animals walking out of the room.

She stopped when she got outside and then carefully put Gage, who she was holding, on the ground.

"You guys wait here for a minute. I'll drive my car here."

Jane was shocked again, "Nancy, you even have a car!"

She remembered that cars were always driven by adults, and her dad said one had to take the driving test.

Nancy shook her little head and said, "It's a toy car that my second brother gave me, and then my brothers taught me how to drive it."

She and her little brother both had simulated cars that her second brother sent back. It was just that hers was a pink car and her little brother's was a black one.

She learned how to drive it in a day. Besides, it was much faster to drive Akio and the others around the farm than to walk.

Soon, Jane saw that Nancy was driving by in a super-simulated pink and white car with the horn honking. It was perfectly fine for a child to sit in it!

Nancy patted her little carriage and said, "Look at my car."

It was super cute!

Jane said, "Wow!"

She walked over and circled around and said, "So pretty!"

Nancy nodded, "Well, it's lovely."

When she got out of the car, she put Akio and them in the back seat. The animals were well-behaved as they squatted down and didn't move when they got in. Finally, Nancy put Gage and her nest in the seat.

As for Adolph and the others, they couldn't fit, but they could run faster than the car.


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