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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 266

Chapter 266 Mr. Brook Was So Annoyed

The spirits of the child were always so strange. Nancy was talking endlessly in high spirits one moment and fell asleep sweetly, hugging her brother's neck and pressing her face on her brother's shoulder the next moment.

Just like she said she couldn't fall asleep and wanted to listen to a story, but when her brother really started to tell a story, she fell asleep again in seconds.

Nancy's little face was buried in Marcus's neck, and she didn't wake up no matter how up and down she was in his arms.

Marcus had been holding her in his arms before they reached the destination. Fortunately, he often did exercises so his arms were powerful, otherwise his arms must have be acid now.

"Give her to me."

When they arrived at the bottom of the hill, Neil and Symon had been waiting there.

Marcus handed out Nancy in his arms.

Neil lifted the piggy-like sleepy girl, his eyes flashing a smile.

His face was almost identical to Marcus's, but his smile was as affable as a spring breeze.

Marcus was distant while Neil was genial. When they were standing together, they were a stark contrast.

It's amazing in the eyes of onlookers.

How could twins with the same genes show extremely two personalities?

"Philip, take them back." Marcus massaged his twist and ordered in a cold voice.

"What about you, sir?" Philip nodded respectfully.

"We will rest here for one night since Nancy must want to find that tiger and wolf when she wakes up."

We have to say Marcus knew his sister very well.

And as long as those things would not hurt his sister, he was willing to see Nancy finding some "toys" to play with.

"Yes, sir."

Philip took other people to leave while Nancy and her brothers stayed there.

When Mr. Brook was informed of this matter on the phone, he jumped down to Marcus's throat and hated that he couldn't punch on his son's face.

"I asked you to pick up Nancy and others. You nearly lost your life! Little bastard! As soon as you come back you must take over our company."

Marcus put the phone to a meter away from him with hands-free mode and he directly refused his father's order with a poker face.

"No way!"

"No way?"

Mr. Brook was so angry that his voice soared high.

Marcus frowned and said, "Keep your voice down, okay? Nancy is sleeping."

Concerning Nancy, Mr. Brook kept his voice down so much.

"Where is my baby girl? Let me have a look."

It's been several days since he hugged his baby daughter. It's said that 'one day without you seems as long as three years" and he had not seen her for "several years".

He now really dreamed of retirement, but unfortunately his oldest son didn't want to take over his business.

"Nancy is sleeping, why you are so clingy? Bye."

He hung up quickly as he finished his words and didn't give Mr. Brook any chance to react.

After hanging up, he added Mr. Brook's number to the blacklist to avoid him to call again. He was too skilled in this set of actions.

Others were wordless.

Only after a few seconds, Neil's cell phone rang up.

Not surprisingly, it was from dad.

As soon as Neil picked up the phone, dad's curses were heard.

"Bastard, how dare you blacklist me! I tell you, even if you don't want to take over the company you must come to work. I am old now and I need a peaceful old age. Are you trying to piss me off?

Marcus looked at Neil slowly with unchanged expression on his face.

"You still have Neil."

Neil, who was standing there and watching their quarrel, was wordless towards his brother.

Neil's spring-like smile on his face stiffened slightly for a moment, but quickly recovered.

"Marcus, my professional doesn't match it."

"Don't try to pass the buck on him." Neil thought in mind.

"You are smart and you can make it." Marcus said.

"I don't have the talent of business. You can do it better." Neil said with a bright smile on his face.

"Do you need me to find out the papers you wrote about finance when you were in college?"

"That's only on papers, and I've been graduated for so long, so I don't remember the after-school knowledge I learned in college." Neil shot back with the corners of his mouth twitching.


The readers' comments on the novel: Doted by My Seven Brothers