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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 308

Chapter 308 A Green Peafowl

She spent some time finishing the paintings of Akio and the other birds. She then looked at the paintings hanging in the studio. After dwelling on it for a while, she scanned all the paintings into her phone to form pictures of equal ratios.

The thunderstorm gradually stopped. The sun finally came out of the cloud.

The sky cleared after the rain. Besides, the sky appeared like it was washed. It looked clearer now.

After asking Joshua, Nancy learned that Gage would start to learn how to fly after growing a bit more.

Nancy paid special attention to that. She went there to inspect Gage's feathers every day and to interact with Joshua.

But before Gage did so, the four swans had started to learn how to fly. Other than going to school, Nancy spent most of her time on the farm, staying with them while they learned how to fly. Soon the four swans successfully learned how to fly briefly. Moreover, they liked to fly in the pond, paddling their webbed feet in the pond.

But Gage still could not do that. It could not fly at even such a low place.

Joshua said, "Birds of prey like eagers can only learn to fly on high cliffs."

Nancy was struck speechless.

That was just too hard for her.

"You should have come to me about this."

Louis knew that Nancy was trying to teach her birds how to fly recently. When he went home after school, he pinched Nancy's chubby cheeks.

"I know a place that is suitable for them to learn how to fly. What's more, I can teach them myself. But you can't tell Dad and the others, not even Marcus."

Nancy was confused.

After that, Nancy, Adam, and the birds were taken to a very high cliff.

Nancy just took a glance while standing in the wind before she retreated endlessly with Gage in her arms.

"Bro... Brother, this place is so high!"

It looked so frightening.

"It's fine. You can let me hold Gage."

As he was talking, he took out a paragliding backpack from the SUV.

"There's a pond down there, and I've got this. I can take Gage with me to feel how it's like flying in the air."

"Don't worry, sis. We're very familiar with how this works."

Several of Louis's roommates, Tod, Kyle, and Edward also came along.


Nancy was still very worried. Her delicate face was filled with a conflicted expression. It looked very dangerous.

But Adam was very interested. "Bro... Can you bring me along?"

"Shoo!" Louis turned his brother down. He then fixed Gage in a sack in his arms.

"You've to trust your brother."

Louis wore professional black clothes with a handsome black helmet. He then made a handsome gesture at his sister before he jumped off the cliff.

Nancy was so frightened that her heartbeat quickened. She then ran to the edge of the cliff and looked down anxiously. But Kyle hugged her.

"Don't run around. You might fall off the cliff."

The youth tapped her on the head.

"Oh," said Nancy lightly. She then hugged his arms with slight anxiety. She only heaved a sigh of relief when she saw her brother's paraglider floating in the air with the wind. It then slowly glided toward the distance.

"Nancy, don't worry!"

Sitting on the paraglider, Louis greeted the girl on the cliff with his back against her. The wind brought his slightly muffled voice. Nancy then revealed a smile.

Flying in the air was very exciting.

Louis liked that kind of dangerous sport. If it would not scare his family members, he yearned to learn wingsuit flying. That was a truly exciting sport. But it was also very dangerous.

The cry of an animal was heard.

Gage became slightly excited in Louis's arms. It fluttered its wings to try flying. But it could not do anything at the moment because its body was fixed there. It could only look down at the scenery with sharp and bright eagle eyes.

"Kyle, watch over Nancy and Adam. We'll join them."

Both Tod and Edward also put on their paragliding backpacks. They then spread their arms out and asked, "Is there anyone else who wants to experience flying high?"


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