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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 313

Chapter 313 Promoting Her Watermelons

On a hot summer day, nothing tasted better than chilled watermelon.

More importantly, this watermelon was delicious.

When Edward and Tod took their first bite, they were so touched that they couldn't even bring themselves to lift their heads.

"Wow...This is too delicious; did your sister grow this watermelon?"

Oh, my goodness, what were they doing when they were six years old? They played with cats, teased dogs, jumped up and down, and had their parents chase them with sticks for several blocks.

Meanwhile, this little girl had already used her money to buy a farm and grew many tasty things.

With one gulp, it tasted so great.

Louis arched his eyebrows and laughed in a disorderly manner.

"I'm sure whatever my sister grows on her farm will taste great."

He was utterly smitten by his sister. People in his dormitory and class had to listen to him brag about his sister every day since Nancy was found and returned.

But this little sister was adorable and lovable.

"I'll take you all to her farm after the exam."

Edward's eyes lit up as he asked, "Are there watermelons?"

"That's necessary, isn't it, Nancy?" Louis said and clicked his tongue.

The little girl obediently agreed, "Yes, my brother is right."

One could say that she brought pride to his brother. by agreeing with what he said.

Before the college entrance exam was over, the farm started to get crowded in the afternoon.

Nancy's farm was still producing a lot of watermelons, which are popular not only with the people but also with their domesticated animals.

When no one was looking, the farm's cows and sheep would sneak off to the watermelon field and help themselves to a few for a tasty snack. Many bigger calves waited for Nancy to come around so they could act sassy and cute.

When she felt like it, her animals would have treats now and then.

Those who had heard about Nancy's farm at school couldn't wait until the afternoon to go there. Since the little girl was too young to understand the business negotiations, her family worried she would be scammed. Still, they couldn't stop what was happening and asked Ivan and Louis to go with her to the farm.

At the farm, she was immediately greeted by a calf, two dogs, and two horses.

She stroked their heads and told them, "I can't play with you today. We're selling watermelons."

These animals became enraged when they saw strangers enter the watermelon fields and began making loud noises to scare the people away from the fruit.

The adult calves, in particular, could be intimidating with their piercing stares and low, menacing moo.

The people staring at the huge watermelon in the field suddenly turned around to look at the animals.

"Oh, these cows are so well raised."

"These two horses are beautiful!"

"Hey... are those two dogs really won't bite? I think they want to bite us."

Those who were afraid of dogs stood back.

Nancy blinked and said, "No, they are all nice."

When she turned to look at the animals, she saw well-mannered, submissive little animals who whimpered and acted coyly for her.

Once she turned away, however, the fierceness in their eyes returned.

The crowd was stunned.

If she was unsure what it meant to be friendly, this was merely a demonstration of cordiality for her only.

Louis asked these people, "How many watermelons do you want?"

As a perk for their employees, a company wanted approximately fifty watermelons. However, those who worked in the catering industry wanted slightly more, and some wanted only a few of the melons.

He explained to the crowds, "As you have previously tasted this watermelon, the price will not be cheap. It costs 10 dollars per pound. It is up to you whether or not to buy it."

10 dollars.


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