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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 349

Chapter 349 Art Exhibition

Of course, in addition to being skilled in painting, painters should have extraordinary personalities and inspiration. Only in this way could they have individuality to be discriminated.

For painters, it was very important to be discriminated.

All the painters whose paintings were selected to participate in the art exhibition were skilled in painting. Ivan was still young. Compared with other people who had painted for most of their lives, he needed to learn more.

But his paintings were very inspirational and brilliant, and he had vaguely had his own painting style.

This painting was very eye-catching. It quickly caught people's eyes. When people stopped to appreciate it, they didn't think the tiger was scary after looking at it for a long time.

The white tiger was domineering, but it was protective of the weak little girl in its arms.

When people took a closer look, they found that the painter used most of the ink to draw the child. Her eyes were as clear as mountain streams and springs, but they were full of other pure feelings.

There was joy, leisure, dependence, and trust in the white tiger in her eyes.

When people immersed themselves in the painting and got into the painter's feelings, they seemed to be separated from the noise and pressure of the city and only felt a sense of leisure and relaxation in the vast wilderness.

When people saw the name 'Nature', perhaps the first thing they thought about was the forest, boundless grassland, or other natural landscapes.

The white tiger represented nature and the human being represented the city. However, the painter combined the two elements to show the implied meaning behind the painting.

"It's so beautiful."

Someone stared at the painting and muttered to himself.

"I must buy it at auction!"

Who on the scene didn't think so?

Most of the people who came here were bosses running companies. They were rich, so they wanted to uplift their mind and spirit through art.

Although many people did not understand art, good works could strike a responsive chord in their hearts. If they liked a painting, they would buy it at auction.

Ivan's painting 'Nature' obviously struck a responsive chord in many people's hearts. The painting was imposing and aggressive at first glance. But if people looked at it carefully, they would feel warm and relaxed. It couldn't be more suitable for those ambitious bosses who wanted to relax their pressure.

Nancy stood in the crowd and listened to everyone discussing Ivan's painting. She smiled, revealing two lines of white teeth. Her eyes were bright, and she straightened her chest so proudly.

Ivan was too awesome!

When more and more people gathered here, Ivan took Nancy to see other works.

After strolling around, Ivan called the teacher and took them to dinner.

"It's my treat!" Ivan patted his chest, and his face was beaming with joy.

Nolan and other teachers couldn't help laughing.

"Ivan didn't change at all."

"Yeah. Now no one will doubt me if I say he is a college student."

"That's good. I like such a carefree and clever young man."

Social pressure was great in this era. Few people could focus only on painting and didn't care about fame and money like Ivan.

Being praised by them, Ivan smiled shyly. When he took the teachers to dinner, he unexpectedly met another group of people.

Those people were from M Country. The leader was a professor from a famous art academy in M Country. Apparently, they knew Nolan.


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