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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 371

Chapter 371 You Can't Do Anything but Eat

"Yes, I have it at home."

One of the old ladies with white hair stood up. It turned out that this was her home.

Then she took Nancy to see some of the jars she had collected.

"I don't have many other things here, but porcelain jars are the most among them. And I don't want to throw them away. It's no use keeping extra jars at home. Nancy, see if there is anything you like. You can have as many as you want if you like."

After all, the city was famous for its porcelain jars. Although these people lived in the countryside, there were a lot of porcelain jars there.

Nancy squatted down to look carefully and found that there were so many porcelain jars of various types. Some were exquisite porcelain pots as big as a palm, some were wide-mouth, narrow-necked, and others were long-necked and narrow-necked.

And the palm-sized delicate porcelain jar like this one was exactly what Nancy needed.

"Thanks, Madam. I'll take a few."

"Alright. I'm reluctant to throw them away. If these jars stay here any longer, they'll collect dust."

These elders had lived through poverty, so they couldn't throw anything away. As long as these things were not completely broken, these elders would pick them up. However, these things were useless. As a result, these things were left to collect dust.

Nancy chose several porcelain jars, most of which were small ones. And the old lady gave her a portable bamboo basket to carry these porcelain jars.

"Madam, I'll leave now. My brother and I will come and talk to you after we finish cleaning up the room."

As Nancy was leaving, she greeted these old ladies in a childish tone.

"Well, we'll be waiting for you to come."

As one grew older, one tended to like children more. These elders were very fond of the naughty children in the village, not to mention the cute little fairy-like girl like Nancy. Besides, Nancy was polite and sweet. She kept calling these old ladies madam in a lovely voice, making them very content and happy.

Therefore, when Nancy left, these old ladies took out a lot of snacks and gave them to Nancy.

Then, Nancy ran to the fields in the mountains with the small porcelain jars in the bamboo basket.

Her dark eyes lit up when Nancy found many lush growing four-leaf clovers in the field. Then she took a small piece of bamboo and started digging. After she dug for a while, her fair and tender face looked dirty. Finally, she dug out the clump of four-leaf clovers.

The four-leaf clover had many roots and its leaves were long and lush. When a four-leaf clover was placed in her hand, its leaves were spread out and drooping, which looked especially beautiful.

Nancy carefully placed the clover in the basket and went on to look for other flowers.

Although Nancy was very young, she ran fast in the mountain fields with her short legs. Sometimes, the cameraman couldn't keep up with her.

It took Nancy half an hour to fill the basket with flowers and plants. Then, she ran back with small steps.

At this moment, inside the farm, Martin was mopping the floor while watching the water emerge from the floor, which almost flooded the room. Then, he was dumbfounded.

"Why is there more and more water?"

He looked at the mop in his hand and then mopped the floor. However, nothing changed for the better. His room was getting dirtier and messier. There were water stains in the closet and on the bed.

Martin felt speechless.

Damn it! It seemed that doing chores was more tiring than acting in a movie!

The fans in his live stream were already laughing at him mercilessly.

"I knew it! You wouldn't be Martin if you didn't pull off a little trick!"

"How can you still stand on the floor like this?"

"Can't you shake off the water on the mop before using it?"

"Director, you're such a schemer! The mop you prepared for Martin can't even absorb water. I don't even use this kind of mop at my house."

"I've just come from your sister's live stream. Mars, you really need to think about it. Your sister has only been gone for a short while. Not only did she get along well with the villagers, but she also picked a lot of small pretty wildflowers and was ready to decorate her room."

"He can't do anything without his sister around."


The readers' comments on the novel: Doted by My Seven Brothers