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Doted by My Seven Brothers novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 Picking Strawberries

Oliver watched Nancy as she left. Then Oliver patted Donny on the head and came back home slowly with Donny.

Oliver found his grandfather was playing chess alone. Oliver walked over to sit across from his grandfather and placed half a basket of strawberries in front of him.

"Did you visit Granny Hill again?"

The Elderly Mr. Barton glanced at Oliver and knew where he had gone.

Oliver nodded and put a white chess piece on the chessboard.

Oliver began playing chess with his grandfather. Both of them were silent and Donny lay down quietly at the table.

Until the end...

"Grandpa, I lost."

Oliver put down his chess pieces and stood up. He had a tall and slim figure, which was pleasing to the eye.

"Grandpa, have some strawberries. I'll do my homework first."

The Elderly Mr. Barton looked at the strawberries in the basket and mumbled with doubt. "Why did you bring fewer strawberries than usual today? What did you barter with Granny Hill?"

After a pause, Oliver kept his reply intentionally vague.

Oliver went to the small garden where his grandfather cultivated flowers. He moved an orchid plant into a container and quietly left with it.

After the Elderly Mr. Barton finished eating the strawberries, he strolled to enjoy the flowers in his small garden as before. He fell silent as he discovered the pit.

After a few seconds, the Elderly Mr. Barton shouted angrily.


The Elderly Mr. Barton took his cane and went to find Oliver. Oliver had expected his grandfather would scold him, so he and Donny hid themselves.

Inevitably, Oliver was punished and asked to the family rules, although he was not beaten. He wrote more than 10,000 words with a brush.

Oliver kept kneeling on a seat cushion with his back straightened. He stayed up to copy the family rules.

Nancy didn't know what happened to Oliver.

Ivan had been drawing in his studio for several hours. Nancy brought some washed strawberries and milk to Ivan. She found Ivan's hands, clothes, and even his face were stained with pigments.


Nancy pulled at the hem of Ivan's hoodie. Ivan, who focused on drawing, was aware of Nancy's presence and stopped drawing.


Ivan moved his stiff arms and legs with a paintbrush in his hand. He stretched out and clenched his fists to massage the aching muscles in his shoulder.

"My shoulders ache."

Nancy held a strawberry in her hand and stood on tiptoe to feed Ivan.

"Ivan, have some strawberries. They are delicious."

Ivan bent over and bit half of the strawberry off. It tasted sweet and slightly sour.

"It's delicious. When did you buy these strawberries?"

Ivan thought the strawberries looked fresh.

Nancy said crisply, "Oliver and I went to Granny Hill's house to pick strawberries."

Ivan was surprised, "When did you go? Did Oliver come here?"

Ivan didn't know at all.

Nancy nodded and also ate a strawberry merrily. She stared at Ivan's painting and was amazed to find it was almost done.

"Oh my God..."

Nancy thought she seemed to be another person in the painting. The sunlight penetrated through the bamboo curtain and fell on Nancy. The painting seemed to be bathed in soft lighting.

" Your drawing of me is more beautiful!"


Ivan walked up to Nancy and pinched her cheeks, "You are the most pretty."

Ivan's praise made Nancy feel shy. Nancy thought she was not as beautiful as Ivan said and Ivan just wanted to please her.

The painting was finally completed after dinner. Ivan put away all the painting tools and carefully took down the painting.

"I'll ask someone to have the painting mounted tomorrow. Then I will give it to you as a gift."

"Thank you, Ivan."

Nancy hugged Ivan happily. She looked at the painting with pleasure, her eyes gleaming.

Ivan was satisfied to see Nancy liked this painting so much.

"Ivan, let me massage your shoulders." Nancy was delighted to get this painting but also felt sorry that Ivan had been sitting for almost a day to finish it.

Nancy pulled Ivan down on the chair and ran behind him. She clenched her fists and thumped Ivan's shoulder to give him a massage.

Ivan was satisfied with the pressure he received during the massage. Ivan narrowed his eyes comfortably and asked in surprise.

"Nancy, why are you good at massaging?"

Nancy said as she massaged Ivan's shoulder, "I will give Granny a massage when she has a headache and shoulder pain."

Ivan thought for a while before he understood that Granny was the one who lived with Nancy in the Stream Village. Ivan's mother also told him about where Nancy lived before she came back to the Brook family. Ivan felt sorry to hear that.

Ivan decided that he must treat Nancy well in the future. Of course, Nancy deserved such kindness from Ivan.

After a while, Ivan stopped Nancy from massaging, and ate a lot of delicious food together with her. Both Ivan and Nancy sat cross-legged, and Gee also stayed with them.


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