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Drowning In His Deep Love (Re-edited) novel Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Abandoning Her Husband and Son

No one knew why Florence took out a laptop at this time.

Colleen pretended that she was giving dying kicks.

What did it matter even if she called the police?

As long as she slandered Florence, it would ruin Florence's reputation so that Colleen would achieve the goal, and that would be enough.

Colleen winked at Thiago secretly. It seemed that Thiago was honest, but in fact he was shrewd.

As soon as he heard Florence was going to call the police, Thiago looked at Florence with deep sorrow and said, "Are you really going to be so cruel? Florence, we were once husband and wife. Even if you hate me, our son is innocent."

As he was talking, Thiago cried and won the sympathy of many people.

Thiago hugged the little boy and cried bitterly, "Son, I am a useless father. I can't give you a complete home. After I am dead, you will be sent to the orphanage. Don't blame your mom. She wants to live a rich life. She isn't wrong."

Florence looked coldly, staring at Thiago indifferently. Every word he said was really vicious.

Obviously, he was accusing her of being cold-blooded and selfish.

The little boy cried sadly and hugged Thiago. "Dad, don't die. Mommy. I don't want Mommy. Mommy is bad."

The discussion in the banquet hall became more intense.

Brielle couldn't go on listening to what they said, so she said angrily, "Someone come here to drive these two people out! What do you think this place is?"

A security guard came in immediately. Florence raised her hand and said, "Godmother, wait."

From beginning to end, Florence was very calm, as if she was just an outsider watching a play. She was typing quickly with both hands on the keyboard, and no one could see what she was doing.

At this time, how could she be in a mood to play on the laptop?

Florence was really heartless.

Allison stepped forward showing an expression as if Florence had failed to meet her expectations and said, "Florrie, why are you so cold-blooded. This is your son."

William who was upstairs was so anxious and said, "Boss, if it keeps going on in this way, nothing can clear Ms. Scott's name."

From where Alexander was standing, he could see exactly what Florence was doing.

At this time, Florence was able to keep calm in the face of danger and she deserved to be the woman he was in love with.

"No, she will take care of it." Alexander was no longer worried. On the contrary, if he deal with the matter by himself, Florence would be not able to clear her name.

Seeing Florence was completely indifferent, Colleen was also anxious and said, "Sis, you have to say something. The kid is so pathetic. How can you have the heart to..."

"You are right. The kid is so pathetic. How could you use a child so cruelly to set up a scam?"

Florence interrupted Colleen sharply, showing the screen of the laptop to everyone. "Treachery should be caught on scene. Even if you want to slander me, you'd better find someone who is better at retouching photos. How dare you to take out such a fake photo?"

"This is a photo of me when I was working. It was taken at a cocktail party, but I didn't expect that it would be used by someone and he would take a stack of composite photos to talk sheer nonsense."

On the screen of the laptop, it was the photos that Thiago took out just now, but they were obviously composite.

After seeing the photos on the laptop, everyone understood.

These photos were fake. The face in those photos were Florence's, but it was obviously taken from the photo that was taken at the cocktail party.

Colleen and Allison also looked at each other. They didn't expect that Florence were so good at computers.

At that time, she just randomly searched for a few photos online, but she had never thought that it would be exposed on the spot by Florence.

Brielle looked at the photos and she became even angrier and pointed at Thiago furiously. "How dare you use such a despicable way to frame my goddaughter. What do you want? There is no need to wait for the police to come. Someone come here, catch him and just send him to the police station."

Thiago panicked too. He glanced at Colleen, and pushed the little boy forward. "I didn't slander her. He is Florence's child. I can do a paternity test to prove that I am not lying."

"Ridiculous." Florence sneered and said, "You can take any child and say he is my son. A paternity test? You think I will do it? You bring one child today, then another one tomorrow, then it will be endless. You think law is just a decoration?"

Everyone was talking about it.

"Yeah, this photo is obviously fake. Besides, that man doesn't look very good, so how could Ms. Scott fall in love with him?"

"He brought a child here at the banquet. I think this man is very scheming. He just looks honest."

"Mrs. Cooper just promised to give 3% of the shares as a dowry to Florence. Then he immediately took the child to recognize his mother. Obviously, he was doing it for the money."

"I don't think this man can set up such a vicious scam. He might be instigated by someone."

"Who do you think it will be?"

Zachary, who went to the bathroom and came out, knew that something was wrong, and stood in front of Florence to protect her.

"Tell me! Who ask you to do so? Are you instructed by these two women?

Zachary feared nothing, so how could he be afraid of offending Allison and Colleen.

Seeing that the scam was exposed, Thiago suddenly fell onto the ground with shortness of breath. He was twitching and foaming at the mouth. Everyone was scared and stepped back.

Colleen said hastily, "Send him to the hospital tight now! No one wants to be a murderer. Sis, at least it's a human life."

The little boy was also scared and cried. "Dad, Dad..."

Brielle was also worried that someone would die here and said, "Come on. Take him to the hospital."

As long as Thiago left here, what he had done today would just disappear. The misunderstanding that Florence was having a bastard couldn't be clarified. Then it would be a stain of her from now on.

That was exactly what Colleen thought in mind.

But how could Florence let them go so easily?

When the security guards came forward, Florence walked over to Thiago's side, squatted down, and pressed her hands on Thiago's chest.

Colleen was anxious. A viciousness flashed in her eyes, and said, "Sis what are you doing? Come on. He is going to die. It will be too late if he isn't sent to the hospital right now! You can't just see him die!"

"Shut up."

Florence stared at her with a sharp look, and then pressed Thiago's chest with her hands, and leaned over Thiago's ear to say something in a voice that only two people could hear. Thiago stopped twitching and opened his eyes. There was panic inside his eyes.


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