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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 148

Natalia didn't really know Ronin all that well, b

ut even with her limited knowledge, she was certain of one thing: Ronin was a safer bet than Hamilton right now.

And, frankly, she hadn't intended for Ronin to escort her home in the first place.

He had been drinking, for heaven's sake. He couldn't even drive, let alone take her home safely!

She had planned to hail a cab after stepping out anyway.

But trying to explain that to Hamilton? It seemed pointless.

Their relationship, if you could call it that, was so strained that explanations felt redundant.

She chuckled dryly. "What kind of guy is he? At worst, like you said, Mr. Fowler, he's just trying to sleep with me."

"You know he's after you, and yet you're okay with him taking you home?" Hamilton gritted his teeth.

Natalia met his gaze head-on.

"Aren't you the same, Hamilton? How much better are you than anyone else?"

With a sardonic smile, she added, "Actually, that's not right. You're leagues behind Ronin. At the very least, he's not a fair-weather friend always looking to stab me in the back. You know, Hamilton, every time I think about how you knew Eveleen was out to get me but still shielded her, it feels like I'm being torn apart. It hurts like hell."

Hamilton's face turned an array of stormy shades.

He gripped Natalia's wrist tightly, at a loss for words.

The elevator dinged open, and he pulled her out with him.

Natalia tried to break free but couldn't, drawing the attention of everyone around them.

Fed up, Hamilton simply scooped her up and shoved her into the car.

Alden had been waiting in the car.

He was a tad surprised to see Hamilton carrying Natalia, but mostly, he seemed pleased.

"Bro, Ms. Jenkins, where to?"

"Back to the apartment." Hamilton meant the apartment they used to share.

"Lotus Estates."

Natalia had named Scarlett's place.

Without further questions, Alden started the car.

The ride was silent until they pulled up to the apartment complex, where Natalia felt a sharp throb at her temple.

"I have to go."

Alden, ever the perceptive one, parked the car and left without a word.

Now, it was just Natalia and Hamilton alone in the car.

Natalia reached for the door, but Hamilton grabbed her wrist again and locked the doors.

"I'm sorry about the past. I promise it won't happen again."

Natalia was fuming. "Save it, Hamilton. 'Sorry' is the cheapest word in the world, and don't talk to me about promises. I don't believe them.

Can you watch her every second? Or lock her up? If she dares to touch me again, what can you really do? Nothing, because she's your darling.

So, please, no more of that disgusting talk."

After saying her piece, she leaned back.

She didn't want to talk anymore. There was nothing left to say.

Hamilton clenched her wrist tightly, silent for what felt like an eternity before he spoke again. "I will take care of Eveleen. Natalia, you've made your point. Let's just stop this game, okay?"

Natalia laughed bitterly. "Which part of me looks like I'm playing games with you, Hamilton? I'm serious about leaving you!"

"But I don't want you to leave!"

Natalia eyed him curiously. "Do you even like me, Hamilton?"

He frowned deeply but didn't answer.

Natalia exhaled softly.

"Let's be honest, you're just not willing to let go because you can't stand the thought of not having what you want. You've always had everything your way, and the idea of a woman leaving you makes you furious, doesn't it? That's all this is about."

Hamilton's frown deepened as he watched her, neither agreeing nor denying her accusation. Even he couldn't tell if it was just his pride at stake.

Natalia continued, "So, what will make you satisfied? Tell me, and I will do it—just as long as you promise to leave me alone afterward."

Hamilton's temples throbbed violently, his grip on her wrist like a vise.

"Is this really how you see me? Fine, I'll admit I'm not willing to give up, but I've never been this desperate over anyone before. Why do you think you can just walk away? Because you're relying on me actually caring about you?"

Because he cared, he let go.


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