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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 153

He had been careless, after all.

All he had intended was to whisk Natalia away from Silkwood City, thereby cutting off her contact with Ronin.

But he hadn't reckoned with Ryan.

Hamilton's face was a study in storm clouds as he pulled his car over to the curb and got out.

Before he even reached them, their laughter carried on the breeze, twisting his features into an even deeper scowl.

Hamilton approached, his eyes dark and brooding.

At the sight of him, Natalia's smile froze, her lips petrifying mid-curve.

"Ryan, let's get going," she said, her voice holding an edge of urgency.

Ryan, having noticed Hamilton, simply nodded to Natalia, his expression unreadable.

"Where are you heading?" Hamilton's frown deepened as he posed the question.

Without a word, Natalia reached for Ryan's car door.

Hamilton's jaw clenched, and he moved forward to slam the door shut again.

"Natalia, are you deaf? I asked you where you're going!"

The strain on Natalia's face was palpable.

"Hamilton, don't you think you're overstepping a bit? We're nothing more than colleagues now."

Hamilton's face darkened, and his gaze flicked to Ryan.

"So you're leaving with him?"

Natalia raised an eyebrow, challenging. "Is that a problem?"

Hamilton's composure was slipping.

After what seemed an eternity, he finally spat out, "Natalia, you really are easy! Any man that shows up, you'll just go with him."

A bitter laugh escaped Natalia, her eyes glistening with fragmented pain.

"Think whatever you want."

She tried once more to open the car door, but Hamilton pressed it shut with force.

His face was grim. After a tense silence, he managed, "Sorry, I misspoke."

He paused, then added, "Just stay here tonight. It's a suite. I promise I won't touch you unless you agree. Plus, it's closer to our partner company. We have an early meeting, and it'll be convenient from here."

But Natalia was unmoved.

Ryan chuckled from the sidelines.

"Mr. Fowler, if you continue to obstruct us, we'll have to call the police."

Hamilton scoffed. "Ryan, Natalia is here on business, and we still need to prepare our negotiation strategy for tomorrow. Please don't interfere!"

Ryan's laugh was laced with disbelief. He had dealt with many people over the years, but Hamilton's brazenness was a first.

"You're obviously pursuing your own agenda while trying to sound righteous."

"Mr. Fowler, please consider Natalia's reputation. She's no longer involved with you, and even if you need to discuss strategy, sharing a room is inappropriate."

A dangerous glint passed through Hamilton's eyes.

"Even if we're no longer involved, we've shared a bed for three years, making me closer to her than you, Mr. Holzer! And sharing a room with me damages her reputation, but leaving with you doesn't? Your little schemes aren't as invisible as you think!"

Hamilton's words hit Natalia like a slap, her expression souring instantly.

"Hamilton, stop projecting your filthy thoughts onto others."

With that, she marched to the other side of the car and got in.

Hamilton watched her climb into Ryan's car, a pained look flashing across his face.

'Filthy thoughts?' Would Ryan dare to claim he had no intentions toward her?

Ryan met Hamilton's gaze, then followed Natalia into the car.

As the two drove away, Hamilton got back into his own vehicle and trailed them. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease.


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