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Echoes of a Forsaken Heart novel Chapter 168

Ryan was momentarily stunned before his face was painted with sheer shock.

Despite suspecting it was a ruse, a way to get a rise out of Hamilton, Ryan couldn't help the thrill of joy that snuck into his heart.

"Of course, I'd love nothing more," he said, his voice laced with sincerity.

Natalia's nod came with a smile so genuine it reached her eyes, lighting them up with happiness.

Hamilton, witnessing the scene, felt a hot prickle in his eyes.

He stepped forward, grasping Natalia's wrist. "Natalia! What are you saying?"

Ryan moved to swipe Hamilton's hand away. "Mr. Fowler, please let go of my girlfriend!"

But Hamilton was relentless, his grip unwavering as his world narrowed to a single, crushing reality.

Natalia and Ryan, a couple.

Natalia was asking Ryan to be her man.

She was supposed to be his, solely his.

And now, she was dating someone else.

Her name would be linked with another man's!

"You're doing this on purpose, aren't you? Just to get at me!" he spat out, fuming over his previous threats concerning Eveleen and his failure to inform Natalia about Eveleen's involvement in the kidnapping case.

"I won't interfere with Eveleen anymore, I've made that clear to her today. Send her to jail if that's what you want, I won't lift a finger. Let's start over, Natalia."

Natalia winced under his grip.

She struggled but couldn't break free.

"Hamilton, I never joke about matters of the heart."

Today, she had spoken these words under such circumstances.

She truly wanted to use this opportunity to make Hamilton give up on her.

But being with Ryan, that was a choice she had made after much thought.

She wanted a fresh start.

She was tired of the tangled web with Hamilton.

She was trying to let go and to begin anew.

If she had to choose someone to be with, truly be with, she wanted it to be Ryan.

Hamilton, in a fit of madness, yanked Natalia into his embrace.

"Natalia, I've given up on Eveleen for you, how can you do this to me?"

Her face was a mask of icy detachment.

"Whether you deal with Eveleen or not is your business, it has nothing to do with me!"

"It does! I did it all for you. Natalia, you owe me!"

His eyes, red and wild, held her tightly in his arms, as if releasing her would mean losing her forever.

But Ryan wasn't having any of it.

Raised by an old soldier, Corbin, from a young age, Ryan had been taught to be strong.

The two men were locked in a stalemate until Natalia took the chance to slip away.

Ryan rarely showed his temper. Even when dealing with Hamilton, he had always been the epitome of politeness.

But now, his face was set in a frosty scowl.

"Hamilton, touch my girlfriend again, and you'll have me to answer to."

With that, he took Natalia's hand and they headed for the stairwell.

Hamilton's mocking laughter followed them.

"Ryan, you think I'm afraid of you? Let me tell you, Natalia is my woman, and no one can take her from me."

Ryan didn't pause, but Natalia did, just for a moment, and he felt it.

He tugged her hand, urging her on. "Come on, I'm starving."

Taking a deep breath, Natalia followed Ryan into the elevator.

Hamilton watched their figures disappear, feeling as if his heart was being shredded.

Was Natalia truly gone?

Had she actually left with Ryan?

His eyes quickly reddened with the sting of loss.

She really didn't want him anymore?


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