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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 10

His gaze was sharp as a tack.

I had no clue when Hogan popped up and why he was nitpicking over someone's handbag.

Puzzled, Cecilia's question from earlier in the studio suddenly flashed through my mind.

My guess was Hogan thought I'd switched to a new laptop.

What was his deal with old versus new, anyway?

I met Hogan's gaze head-on and said coolly, "Isn't that none of the investor's business?"

Hogan's expression froze, he took a drag on his cigarette, then stubbed it out hard and took off.

Talk about a mood swing.

My bad.

Crossing the cash cow was not a smart move, I should've bitten my tongue.

The last thing I want was for Wallis to come back from a trip to find the place turned upside down because of me.

The next morning, I got to work as usual, and thankfully, didn't run into Hogan downstairs.

I felt a bit relieved, but that feeling got jumbled up real quick with one delivery after another.

"Ms. Irwin, please sign for your laptop."

"Ms. Irwin, your computer bag is here for you to sign for."

"Ms. Irwin..."

By the time Cecilia opened the eighth delivery, it turned out to be allergy medicine.

Zora at the front desk loves a good show, pointing at the sender's name, "Still Mr. Zade? Dang, easy on the eyes and doesn't mind splurging, what kind of dream boyfriend is that?"

Cecilia, her eyes sparkling with barely concealed joy, blushed and closed the door, unpacking parcels and calling.

Her melodramatic voice from the corridor, uncontrollably seeping into my ears, was too close to the office.

"You really shouldn't have, Hogan. That must've cost a pretty penny, huh?"

"How about I treat you to dinner then?"

I couldn't hear the response, but Cecilia giggled and covered her mouth, "Hogan, you're teasing me again."

I looked down at my notebook and smirked wryly at myself.

Six years of licking boots just for a prize nobody really wanted, couldn't hold a candle to gifts picked out for a girlfriend.


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