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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 151

Chapter 151 

After exchanging a few pleasantries with Timothy, I made a quick Uturn to leave. But just a few steps in, I stumbled upon Hogan. standing under the cloister

With a cigarette between his fingertips, the smoke swirled around to reveal those calm, untroubled eyes

He was staring right at me. I walked by with a poker face, and as I got closer, I heard him say, Ms. March, you sure are a busy bee, juggling work and flirting with ease, huh?” 

Flirting? I slightly furrowed my brows and replied indifferently, Takes one to know one.” 

If he insisted that there was something going on between Timothy and me, arguing would be pointless. Might as well just play along with his narrative

But no sooner had I spoken than a cloud of darkness seemed to cross his sharp features, Xaviera, have I been spoiling you too much?” 

Not this line again. I couldn’t help but let out a scoff, Yeah, right. You go shopping with your girlfriend and still don’t forget to make me run errands. I’m really lucky.” 

Hogan shot me a look and sneered, What, got a problem with that?” 

Problem. As if I had any right to have a problem. I did have that much selfawareness, at least

The next second heard Hese 

Chapter 151 


A fact I was well aware of, yet it still twisted my heart into knots hearing him say it again. I curled my fingers and smiled, Director Irwin must be waiting. You wouldn’t want to keep the lady worrying, Mr. Zade.” 

After dropping that, I walked away, but in my haste, I completely missed the step right in front of me

Suddenly losing my balance, I was caught off guard as Hogan pulled me into his embrace. It was so unexpected and took me completely by surprise

Just as I stood there, dumbfounded, I heard a click from right in front and saw a tourist photographer standing there

“Sorry about that.He explained with a smile, I was just passing by and couldn’t help but capture this intimate moment between you 


He approached us and politely handed over the camera, You two must be newly in love. From the photo, the affection in your eyes is evidently intense.” 

At those words, I was stunned for a moment, and when I looked at Hogan, I saw awkwardness on his face too

Just as we both felt a bit discomforted, Cecilia’s soft voice suddenly cut through, Hogan, Xaviera, what are you two doing?” 

I followed the sound and saw Cecilia and Shirley standing just a couple of steps away

I immediately pulled away from Hogan, but it was already too late. The way Hogan had held me close was impossible to hide from 



Chapter 151 

them now

Shirley jumped in with a preemptive strike, What’s with this tourist shoot? Can’t you see? What couple? The real girlfriend is right 


The photographer was clearly baffled, looking from me to Hogan and hurriedly apologizing, Oh, I’m so sorry, my bad. I’ll delete the photo right away.” 

His move was nimble; seemed anxious to avoid any trouble

Meanwhile, Cecilia stood there with a drooping head, looking as if she were about to cry. Hogan immediately went over to explain, Ms. March just missed her step.” 

He was telling the truth, his tone somewhat urgent, probably worried about a misunderstanding. Cecilia didn’t respond but her face looked even more aggrieved than before. I couldn’t help but feel somewhat helpless

Then Shirley chimed in again, Well, Ms. March sure has a knack for timing her pains; knows just when to feel it, almost like it’s 

scripted. Got to admit, it’s impressive.” 

I bristled at the sarcasm, retorting, President Stapleton, I’m flattered. It was indeed a sudden incident, but thanks to your reminder, I now feel that my foot is not up for continuing the stroll. I’ll head back to the hotel. If you two need anything, you can call me.” 

With that, I turned and walked away. Honestly, I was at my limit. I was easygoing but not a pushover

As I was about to make my grand exit, suddenly everything went 


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