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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 159

Chapter 159 

For some reason, when our eyes locked, my heart skipped a beat out of nowhere

Logically speaking, Hogan shouldn’t be here at this hour

But there he was, unexpectedly, and all alone at that

His gaze was so intense, you couldn’t just ignore it

Timothy picked up on the vibe too. He dropped the smile and asked with a serious tone, Can you handle this, Xaviera?” 

Yeah,I didn’t want Timothy getting tangled up in the beef between Hogan and me, so I said, Let’s call it a day for now. Pick me up on time tomorrow night.” 

A flicker of hesitation crossed his pretty eyes, and I heard Timothy offer, If you can’t handle it, I could step in, you know.” 

I played it off, Underestimating me?” 

That got Timothy to back off, and he left without looking back

But that laserlike stare was still glued to my back

I steadied myself and walked towards Hogan with feigned 


What a coincidence, Mr. Zade,I said evenly, I didn’t expect to see you enjoying your leisure time here.” 

His icy gaze raked over me, finally landing on the cotton slippers at my feet. When did your taste drop to such lowbrow levels?” 

Those slippers were super cute, and old me actually liked them



Chapter 159 

I had even thought about getting Hogan a matching pair couple slippers, couple pajamas, the whole shebang. But after he called it childish, I always pretended to dislike them

Now, to Hogan, they had become lowbrow

But I couldn’t be bothered to argue with him, so I just said, If there’s nothing else, I’ll take my leave.” 

As I turned to go, Hogan’s challenging voice stopped me, Is this why you refuse to cooperate with Rainbow Capital?” 

His voice was cold and sharp, like a thousandyearold ice, chilling 

to the bone

Years of knowing him told me clearly that Hogan was pissed

Rightly so, I guess. A guy used to having everything at his fingertips probably didn’t see my rejection of the opportunity he showed me

My heart fluttered slightly, but I responded coolly, Mr. Zade, you should be happy, right? With one less competitor, you’ve got fewer headaches, don’t you?” 

At that, Hogan’s brows knitted together, and he retorted coldly, You’ve spent all this time in Pinecrest Hollow trying to find Freeman, and now you’re giving up just because you’ve found a big shot to lean on? Xaviera, I expected more from you!” 

By the end of his rant, Hogan was almost out of control, his voice trembling

But what’s he so mad about? 

Did he really think I’d just lap up a bit of pity from him and Cecilia

Didn’t you say it yourself?I took a breath to quell the rising anger


Chapter 159 

I am good at making choices, right?” 

You think you can stop my plans with no leads?Hogan sneered, Xaviera, you only get one shot, and you should know, with or 


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