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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

Hogan glanced at the insulated food container In Darren’s hand and asked, What’s this?” 

Before Darren could say a word, Cecilia jumped in. The food container? Hogan, you’re out of the loop. Mr. Yearwood knew Xaviera wasn’t feeling well and whipped up a special dinner with some TLC.” 

Hogan gave Darren the onceover, then turned to me and said, Ms. March, you are not just a coding whiz, but also ace at keeping her friends close, huh?” 

His voice was even, but I detected a hint of sarcasm in his words

Darren, ever the gentleman, said, Xaviera’s often lent me a hand. She’s been under the weather with a stomachache these past couple of days, so I thought I’d check in on her.” 

It sounded like he was sticking up for me

After hearing this, Hogan snickered, One day it’s that time of the month,the next it’s a stomachache. Ms. March’s health sure is full of surprises.” 

I looked at Hogan in disbelief

What was he getting at

Thinking I was faking it

Cecilia, catching on, chided, You don’t get it, Hogan. A girl’s period can indeed lead to other discomforts.” 

It was like she was trying to explain on my behalf, but it almost made things worse

Is that so?Hogan gave me a look, the smile on his lips ambiguous, Well then, Ms. March, you’d better take good care of yourself.” 

That one sentence put me on the hot seat

Take care.‘ 

Coming from Hogan, it was dripping with irony

Suddenly remembering his explanation to Cecilia the night before, I replied calmly. Of course, Mr. Zade, you have put so much money into us, I’ve gotta take care of myself.” 

Hogan’s pupils quivered, a flicker of surprise in his eyes

I wasn’t about to waste my time on this kind of idle chatter and spoke up again. Mr. Zade, we’ll be on our way.” 

After saying that, I shot Darren a look

With a slight nod, Darren followed by my side

We crossed the street in silence


*This is as far as you go.Darren looked at me, worry mingling in his eyes, as if he had more to say but held back

I didn’t mince words, reminding him. You’re busy with work too. Don’t do this kind of silly thing again.” 

Darren paused, looked at me, and asked, Xaviera, can I ask you an abrupt question?” 

I curled my fingers slightly and nodded

Your relationship with Hogan” 

He’s the investor and I’m the project manager,I answered frankly

Darren seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and, with a smile, said, If that’s the case, then it’s not silly.” 

Why couldn’t he just drop it

Alright, time is money, get back to cranking code,Darren pointed to his wristwatch, if you wait any longer, you’ll miss the last subway.” 

Darren knew how to tease me

And I did go back to coding in all earnestness

By the time I returned to my apartment complex, it was late at night

Carrying my laptop, I entered the building and looked up only to bump into Hogan

He was still wearing that dark grey overcoat, with a turnover collar, kneelength, dropshoulder lesign, simple yet timeless, just like the one I gave him years ago


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