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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 43

Chapter 43 

Wallis quickly scoped out that Frank hits the links every weekend

At Lake Golf, a lowkey yet swanky golf club

After huddling with Wallis, we decided to stage a chance encounter

Come Saturday afternoon, we rocked up to the course bright and early, lying in wait

It was a hot minute before we spotted Frank, fashionably late, rolling deep with his entourage

Wallis and I exchanged a look, then she strutted over with her club in hand

Mr. Bishop, fancy seeing you here again.Wallis put on her CEO charm, all polite and stuff

Frank paused when he heard her, his gaze lingering briefly on Wallis before flitting away, cool as a cucumber, like he couldn’t place us

One of his buddies couldn’t resist a dig. Man, you’ve got that love charm. Works wherever he goes.” 

His look at me and Wallis was so blatant it bordered on rude

Guess he figured we were gold diggers

I brushed it off, stepping forward. Mr. Bishop, with your busy schedule, no wonder you don’t. remember President Lott. Looks like President Lott’s wish isn’t happening today.” 

I let out a sigh to drive it home

That got Frank’s attention, his curiosity piqued as he gave Wallis a onceover

Wallis scratched her head, awkward as hell, then glanced my way

I chimed in, No sweat. President Lott. We can always hit the green with Mr. Bishop some other time.” 

Wallis quickly agreed, “Guess we’ve been twiddling our thumbs for nothing these past two 


Wallis was a total bombshell stood out even in a crowd, and those doe eyes of hers looked. like they were always telling a story. Right then, she was the picture of pity

The onlookers were having a field day. One piped up. Look, no offense, but Mr. Bishop’s golf game is topnotch around Rivertown. You looking to play him or play him for a fool?” 

Wallis swung her club with a flourish, I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” 

Let’s just hit a few then,Frank finally chimed in, cool as you like. But just so you know, I don’t 

go easy on anyone.” 

He was exuding a serious aura. Wallis literally held her breath, lost for words




I stepped in to shield her, whispering. Don’t sweat it. Winning or losing doesn’t matter now.” 

What mattered was we’d snagged a chance to talk to Frank

Turns out Walls could hold her own with a club

Back when she was trying to impress her loaded ex, she went all out practicing golf. Among the weekend warriors, she’d got some serious chops

Just not quite in Frank’s league

So yeah, by the end of the game, with the sun dipping low, Wallis was wiped but took the loss like a champ

Frank tossed his club to the caddy, shot Wallis a glance, and said with a hint of respect. That birde by President Lott wasn’t half bad.” 

He’d sunk a handful himself

Wallscompetitive streak was all ried up. We’ll have a rematch someday.” 

The peanut gallery teased, Mr. Bishop, she’s asking for a second date!” 

On now Walls and I had names, it seemed

Frank cracked a smile, his gaze suddenly landing on me, Why didn’t you bring Darren along?” 

Mentioning Darren got everyone giving us that knowing look 

Professor Yearwood’s tied up, wouldn’t want to bug him.I replied, all sincerity

After a long game, you must be tired. If you ladies don’t mind, join us for a drink at our club.” 

Walls and I locked eyes, and in unison, we were like. Lead the way.” 

The club wasn’t just us girls

While Frank was changing, Wallis and I shot the breeze with some of the others

Someone casually brought up Hogan, griping about how he’s always out of reach

Heard he’s got a thing for some college girl Been chasing her like a man possessed, turning the whole Zade family upside down. No clue what he’s after.” 

Some trustfund kiddo chimed in You don’t get it, man. It’s all about that fresh college vibe. It’s a different story in the bedroomgets you hooked.” 

The dude barely finished his sentence before the others burst out laughing

I kept my head down took a swig of my drink. It tasted foul

Enough’s enoughFrank cut in There are ladies present.” 

Walls shot me a lock, halfjoking. Who doesn’t a bit of young flesh?” 

That quip cleared the air of ankwardness



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