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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 79

Chapter 79 

She called Cecilia and me into the office and made things crystal clear

Director Irwin, it’s a bummer we can’t hit up the party together this time, but don’t sweat it

there’ll be plenty more shindigs in the future we can crash,I reassured her

Cecilia’s eyelids drooped as she murmured, I’ll roll with whatever Wallis says

After dropping that, she ducked out of the office, her face a billboard for disappointment

I thought, if Hogan caught a glimpse of that, he’d probably be all torn up inside. 

Wallis saw it too and, with a ton on her mind, muttered, This ain’t over yet.” 

I looked at her, and when our eyes met, she added, Cecilia brought it up in the work chat, remember? Hogan’s in that chat too.” 

I got Wallis’s drift; she figured Cecilia did it on purpose

I had a bad feeling about it too

But sometimes what you dread just heads your way, and just before quitting time. Wallis sent me a screenshot of her chat with Zachary

[Mr. Zade’s idea is to have President Lott figure out a way to bring Ms. Irwin to the soirée tomorrow night.

Zachary was being all subtle, but Wallis and I couldn’t miss the subtext

Only two could go to the party, and Hogan was asking Wallis to pick between me and Cecilia

Wallis was livid, Usually playing favorites is one thing, but what’s the deal with tomorrow night? What’s a green girl with no degree got to do with it? Has Hogan lost his mind to lust or what?” 

Wallis shot down Zachary’s suggestion, The company’s ours, and as the boss, I sure as hell get to call the shots on this.” 

I knew she was sticking up for me

But I also knew if it was Hogan’s wish, he’d move heaven and earth to see it done

I didn’t want Wallis in the line of fire, so I took the initiative to ring him up

Ms. March, what’s up?” 

I hesitated for two beats before asking. Mr. Zade, you got a sec? About tomorrow night’s bash. I’d like a word.” 

There was a pause on the other end before I heard Hogan ask, Where?” 

He was all business, like he couldn’t stand wasting words

Chapter 79 

I picked the same coffee shop Hilary had booked for our meetup the day before

Half an hour later, Hogan and I were sitting face to face, the man’s expression stony as he waved away the menu, cutting to the chase. I’ve got ten minutes, I’m taking Cecilia dress shopping after.” 

The words dress shoppingclogged my throat

So. Hogan wasn’t giving us an inch, huh


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