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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 83

Chapter 83 

I glanced at the clock and casually asked, Hey, Darren, can I swing by here and pick you up at seven tomorrow evening?” 

Darren looked at me like I just grew a second head, then after a brief pause, he chuckled and said, Sure, let’s roll with that.” 

I mean, I felt kinda bad always bumming favors off him. Just got myself a new ride, so playing chauffeur was really no biggie, just going with the flow

But there was something off about Darren’s tone

After leaving the Youth Hostel, I immediately called Wallis

As soon as she picked up, I heard heavy breathing on the other end. What’s up, Xaviera?” 

Realizing I might have caught her at a bad time, I plucked up the courage and said, I need a full set of threads, the battledress kind.” 

Whoa there,Wallis’s voice spiked, With who?” 

Professor Yearwood,I spilled the beans. I’ll be at the soirée tomorrow night too.” 

Nice.Wallis let out a thrilled yell, Leave it to me, oh.” 

A weird moan leaked through the phone

I froze for a sec, then tactfully hung up

Was this what they call the thirsty thirties

Wallis showed up at the office the next day, looking like she was glowing

I teased her, Get a good night’s sleep?” 

She shot me a flirty glance and in a singsong voice said, You naughty thing, you should be asking how many times I scored.” 

What a saucy line

Rolling her eyes, Wallis said, Xaviera, you seriously need to stop playing the nun. You know a woman’s eggs start to feel their age past thirty, right? Time to spice things up, embrace the sweet side of love, ya know?” 

I was blushing head to toe

Don’t live like a saint all the time. It’s been ages; you should switch things up, try a new flavor.Images I had no control over flashed through my mind, setting my face on fire

Nearly got derailed by Wallis’s banter there

Chapter 83 

So, I changed the subject, When are we going shopping?” 

Wallis flicked her hair and giggled, How about now?” 

She took me to her exhubby’s threestory villa he left her in Forest Whisper

I was floored by the variety of chic dresses in her walkin closet

Suddenly, it struck me that even though her ex was a bastard, he sure didn’t shortchange her on the financial front

Money or a pretty man, darling, gotta have one.Wallis quipped about money and looks

I mulled over those words, then it clicked

Wallis then handed me an ivory satin slip dress, I ordered this at a Bulgari event two years. back, never wore it. It’ll look fab on you.” 

The dress was simple but made of topnotch fabric, felt like feathers on my skin, definitely 

haute couture.. 


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