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Echoes of Unrequited Love (Xaviera and Hogan) novel Chapter 86

Chapter 86 

Hogan’s response just confirmed my hunch

I’d seen his soft spot for Cecilia first thing in the morning, but hearing him say it out loud still hit me right in the feels

Just because Cecilia felt a tad uncomfortable, I had to bow out early

That was just plain unreasonable

Under normal circumstances, I’d be down to give the investors some face, but today was a different story. Scoring an invite to this shindig was a battle and a half for Darren, and if I bail now, it’d be super shady

I steadied myself and said, Sorry Mr. Zade, I can’t do that.” 

Hogan’s brow knitted into a knot at my words, and his tone was anything but friendly. You do realize I’m not asking for your opinion.” 

It seemed that he’s dead set on showing me the door

I curled my fingers and laid it on the line, Mr. Zade, if I were here as a rep for the company tonight, I’d gladly play nice. But I’m here as Professor Yearwood’s plus one. You get that, right?” 

After all, he was the investor, and I couldn’t have us both losing face

But the moment I finished talking, Hogan let out a snort, Using Darren to strongarm me? Ms. March, have you forgotten where you stand?” 

Staring down the aggressive Hogan, I was at a loss for words

I never meant to stir up any bad blood between Hogan and Darren

So, what do you want? More investment?” 

Hogan quipped when I kept mum, probably thinking I was playing coy, to squeeze more out of him

No thanks,I said, cutting to the chase. I’m not leaving.” 

You sure?Hogan glared at me, sneering, Is this bash that important to you, Ms. March? What, you’re that eager to brownnose Darren?” 

The word brownnose, along with that mocking smirk, planted me firmly on the pillar of shame

And all because I made his precious Cecilia a tiny bit uncomfortable

With that in mind, I forced a smile and said coolly, The party’s about to start, Mr. Zade. Please excuse me.” 

Chapter 86 

After dropping that line, I turned to leave but then Hogan’s voice followed, Ms. March, are you sure your company can handle the fallout?” 

I stopped dead in my tracks, feeling like my feet were cast in lead

Hogan’s words reeked of a threat

But my mind was made up, and without turning back, I said, As you wish.” 

I can be accommodating, but there’s a limit

When I got back to the banquet hall, Darren was looking for me

You look a bit off, what’s up?” 

I rubbed my throbbing temples and came up with an excuse, Probably had one too many.” 

I’ve always told you, just play along with the toasts. And if all else fails, I’ve got your back, right?” 

Darren’d always been a standup guy


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