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Enchanted Nightfall: Falling for Destiny ( Quintessa and Tyrone ) novel Chapter 260

Quintessa was midway through her makeup routine when her phone buzzed. Glancing at the notification, she saw the message from Snow - just a picture. Zooming in, she had her lips twitched in amusement. Had Snow lost his mind? Why on earth had he gotten his hands on so many coins?

After sending the picture, Snow turned to James and said, “Could you please relay a message to Mr. York for me? Tell him I deeply appreciate his 'compensation.' I love it, actually. I've been wracking my brain for a creative gift for Quinn, and now I know. I'll gift her 999 coins every day. It's like saying 'forever and always,' persistently, day after day. Who knows? After a couple hundred days, she might just be moved enough to accept me. Tell him thanks for the brilliant idea.”

James: if you're looking for trouble, I won't stop you.

Returning to the office, James faithfully passed along Snow's message to the boss, half-expecting a volcanic eruption of anger. Instead, the boss simply smirked sinisterly and asked, “Does he send her flowers every morning?”


“Find out which florist.”

“Got it. I’ll have that florist shut down immediately.”

Tyrone gave a dismissive look. “Really, do I seem like that petty of a man?”

However, from that day forward, the flowers Quintessa received each morning were always wilted, nearly bereft of petals, and emitted a peculiar odor. This led Quintessa to tell Manny to keep any flowers from Snow far away from her.

Unaware of the silent battle between the two men, Quintessa was focused on her own life. After wrapping up a segment of the Requiem series, she planned a trip to Zion City. Before leaving, she decided to hit the mall for some personal shopping - it had been a while since she last updated her wardrobe.

“You're a public figure now. You should pay more attention to your appearance,” Violet had advised.


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