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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 1030

Chapter 1030

Olivia was harnessing the bullock cart. The village's primary modes of transportation were either horses or bullock carts.

Despite the challenging conditions, Olivia preferred the simple life of the village over the cutthroat environment of big cities.

"You should let Ethan go with you. You'll be able to come back sooner."

Wendy had just finished treatment on Cyril, so he couldn't move yet. Also, she was trying to play matchmaker for the two of them. Olivia couldn't turn Wendy down even though she knew what Wendy was doing.

It didn't really matter. She was leaving in a few days, after all.

Ethan and Olivia sat next to each other on the bullock cart. It was a very bumpy ride. Every now and then, their bodies would be thrown up and down with the cart's motion.

Ethan suddenly burst out in laughter.

Olivia looked at him and asked, "Why are you laughing?"

"I just feel like life here is very interesting. I would never have thought we'd be living such a life, you driving a bullock cart while I shuck corn.

"This life isn't that bad. It's peaceful and simple. I even have the urge to spend the rest of my days here with you. We can just be a normal married couple."

Olivia frowned. "I don't want that."

She had many things she needed to do and people she needed to kill.

She would be reminded of how Mona died in front of her whenever she looked at Cyril. Mona had such a bright future ahead of her. She gave someone her heart but ended up getting shot to death by that very same person.

Olivia's two-year plan was finally near its final stage. She would give that man a taste of the pain Mona went through a hundred times over.

She was ready to exact revenge on everyone who had wronged her.

Ethan smiled and murmured, "Just consider it my wishful thinking, then."

They got to the field. Then, Olivia led Ethan to a cornfield and said, "Harvest this part. I'll come around and get the corn later."


Ethan's eyes were completely healed, but he had to pretend to be blind when he was with Olivia. That way, he would at least be able to hold her hand occasionally.

Ethan would stare at Olivia for a while after each corn stalk he cut.

Olivia always wore plain clothes in the village. She worked very quickly and efficiently. She quickly harvested a large


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