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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 1093

Rufus quickly walked up to Olivia.

"You're Vanessa, right? I've heard Joel talk about you."

Olivia suppressed the complicated emotions she was feeling. She feared that the others might pick up the change in her mood. So, she tried her best to make her voice seem steady.

"Yes, Mr. Moran, I'm Vanessa."

"I didn't expect the renowned Vanessa to be so young. I'll assist you with this operation. Any objections?"

Before Olivia could turn him down, Krystal yelled, "Why should she be the one to operate, Mr. Moran?

"She's not as experienced as Dr. Gatsby. Who will be responsible if anything happens to my father?"

"Krystal, I've seen videos of her performing surgery. She might be young, but she had steady hands and a calm demeanor. Lionel is pretty old. People like us don't have the reflexes of a younger person. Also …"

Rufus didn't mention one crucial issue with Lionel. He shouldn't be allowed at the operating table.

"Mr. Moran, I'm not doubting you, but both you and Mr. Tucker are vouching for an unknown doctor over Dr. Gatsby. If anything happens to my father on the operating table, will you two be able to take responsibility?"

Yale said, "No one can guarantee the success of an operation, much less such a young doctor like her."

Ethan wanted to speak up, but Olivia pinched him on his palm to stop him.

"Alright, enough of this. I think this is an important surgery. I'd feel better if Dr. Gatsby was the one in charge of the surgery."

Tatiana finally made a decision.

Krystal's eyes lit up. "Let's not wait around anymore. The surgery has to start soon. I'm afraid my dad …"


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