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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 1175

Krystal was dumbfounded. Why did things end up like that? Ethan would hate her even more after that.

Although Mason didn't reprimand her, she was scared by the look he gave her when he left.

Mason had been very busy for as long as she could remember. She only got to see him a couple of times each year.

Even if he weren't present, he would send all the nice things to her place. She could also feel his fatherly love.

She grew up in a happy environment. When Mason rose to prominence, she became like a princess. Everyone around her doted on her.

But she messed up again and caused Mason to be disgusted at her.

Tatiana went with Mason and tried to appease him.

"Mason, there's still some food in the kitchen. I'll get the housekeeper to get you some. You haven't completely recovered yet. You could use the nourishment."

Mason was holding a string of prayer beads in his hand. The beads looked well-worn. He would hold these beads whenever he was feeling upset. It would calm him down.

He was like a volcano that was about to erupt. All he needed was a final spark.

"I'm not hungry. Get out." He kept his emotions in check because he didn't want his family to be upset as well. He endured the negative emotions alone.

But Tatiana had to bring it up. "Ethan didn't have to do that. Tending to you isn't something shameful. He didn't have to hide her.

"Krystal was just afraid that she was someone with ulterior motives. She had good intentions …"

Her words only served to further anger Mason. He broke the porcelain cup before him at the mention of Krystal's name.

The cup was part of his favorite set, but it had been smashed to pieces.

He lost the last shred of patience he had for Krystal.

"What do you mean good intentions? Do you really think she was trying to help?


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