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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 1247

Since she had already been found out, Olivia could only pretend to be distant. "Please just let me go!"

"Idiot, do you have a death wish? You'll be entering Arlandian territory if you go any farther."

The city had been divided up by the two forces. That was great. She would be able to meet with Ethan sooner.

She made up her mind and picked up some stones on the ground. "I'm sorry, I have to go."

Then, she started throwing stones at the drone. The operator quickly moved the drone out of harm's way.

"Throw one more stone and I'll chop your hands off!"

Olivia threw a few more but didn't land a single hit. She only had one more stone.

The first few throws were just feints. She put everything she had behind the final one. She weighed it in her hand before throwing it with all her might.

She smiled coldly. "So long, pervert."

The drone fell to the ground with a loud crash. The screen went black.

"Mr. Maxwell, just let her go. I think she's pretty suspicious, anyway. It's best to be careful in times like these. What if she's a spy…"

"Will you be treating my headaches if we let her go?"

Wayne stood up. "Get her. Bring her back no matter what."


Olivia knew that the next wave of drones would be coming to look for her. There were drones that could shoot or drop bombs.

She had to make the most of the time she had. She quickened her steps.

"Help!" A woman's scream rang.

Olivia froze in her tracks. It was perfectly normal for there to be some stragglers in this city during the evacuation. Undecim had told her before that she should give up that kindness of hers.

She stopped moving again just after she took a few more steps. The woman sounded really weak.

Olivia turned the corner and saw a pregnant woman who was dressed in expensive clothes sitting near a wall. It looked like she was about to go into labor.


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