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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 1474

Compared to Ethan, Wayne was way more of a ruffian.

He didn't adhere to rhyme or reason and only did things based on his mood.

A person like him was way more dangerous because he couldn't be tied down by morals or reason.

He took Olivia to the bedroom.

"You should take a shower. There are clothes for you in the room."

Although Wayne had feelings for Olivia, he wasn't in a rush to do anything.

Tricking her to get her to the island was already unacceptable for her. He wasn't about to do anything more to her for the time being.

Olivia scanned her surroundings. There were some windows and a balcony, but guards stood at their posts below every possible escape route.

Even if she managed to knock out the guard and get to the shore, she wouldn't be able to last too long in the ocean without a mode of transportation.

Wayne had put a lot of effort into crafting this cage for her.

Olivia locked the door and went to the bathtub. She started to think about Stacy, whom she saw in the basement.

Her limbs were chained, and she was trapped in that small room. She had no one to talk to, and all the food she ate was leftovers.

The physical and mental stress put her in that state for six months. It would take her a long time to recover and go back to normal.

Wayne was fundamentally the same as Neal. He wanted to imprison her, too.

The only difference was her cage was the entire island, which was bigger than the one Stacy was in.

Olivia knew she couldn't afford to defy or anger Wayne at the moment. She had to look for an opportunity to escape.

What she didn't know was that Wayne had arranged everything.

The helicopter exploded in the air, and there were no survivors.

The news quickly spread to Arlandia.


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