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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 504

Chapter 504

“Dad, you can’t leave me. I’ll be all alone if you leave me. I’ll be bullied, like I was when I was young.”

“My poor daughter.”

Olivia tried her best to convince Jeff. “Dad, you still haven’t seen my children. How can you leave now? I don’t want to suffer through life alone. My children are already without a father, so don’t let them be without a grandfather too.”

Jeff’s expression changed a little. He looked at Olivia gently and said, “Liv, you’re the one thing in the world I can’t bear to leave behind.”


Olivia grabbed his hand and said, “So you have to stay. My children need their grandpa. Dad, I know you’re tired. But please stay, for me and my children. If you leave me, I’ll have no one else in this


Jeff didn’t respond. It was like he was deep in thought. Tears rolled down Olivia’s eyes as she kneeled before Jeff.

“I’ve already lost my mother. I can’t lose you too,

mother. I can’t lose you too, Dad. Don’t you love me anymore? Please don’t go,


Sighing, Jeff said, “Alright, I won’t leave.”

“Dad!” Olivia opened her eyes abruptly and woke up from her dream.

Ethan grabbed her hand. “Are you okay, Liv? Do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?”

Olivia didn’t answer. “Where’s my dad? How is he doing?”

At that moment, Kelvin rushed into the ward and said, “Good news! Mr. Fordham suddenly regained

his will to live.”

Olivia lifted her blanket, about to get off the bed. “Where is he?”

“He’s in the ICU. He just went through a round of emergency treatment. It’s fortunate that he has the will to live now. The resuscitation was a success. Visitation is not yet allowed, so you can only look at

him from outside.”


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