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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 535

Chapter 535

Olivia knew that very well. But after experiencing something like that, she couldn’t calm her emotions at all.

Patting her on the back to soothe her emotions, Cody spoke in a gentle voice. “Don’t worry, we’ve already moved Mr. Fordhamn away.

“He’s fine, and you’re okay too. This is the best outcome.”

Olivia doubted it.

She had lost a good friend moments ago.

The car sped along the road. At that speed, they would be able to get off the mountain and enter the circular route in a little more than 10 minutes.

Rain fell in dense sheets. Even with the wipers frantically sweeping, they couldn’t clear out the incoming rain.

The mountain was very foggy. With the heavy rain and strong winds, it wasn’t easy to drive under such conditions.

Everyone was anxious, and the children had been kicking in her tummy for a while.

Olivia kept touching her tummy to soothe the children. In a sobbing voice, she said, “Be good, children. Don’t make a fuss. I’m here. I’ll protect you.”

As she coaxed, the children seemed to have understood what she was saying. They stopped kicking, and Olivia’s tummy gradually settled down.

Cody let out a sigh. “Don’t worry, Mrs. Miller. We’ll get off the mountain in a few minutes. Then, we’ll—”

Before she could finish speaking, a piercing high beam shone in their direction. A large truck rounded the curve at high speed.

It was too late to dodge the truck. The attackers had already planned all this.

They would attack from both the rear and the front. They were determined to kill Olivia.

Cody screamed. Her fingers gripped Olivia tightly, preventing Olivia from any collisions.

The urgent screech of brakes sounded on the mountain road. If they collided, the off-road vehicle would be ruined as well.

Even if it weren’t ruined, it would still be a strong collision. As soon as Olivia’s tummy suffered any impact, the children would not survive.

When that happened, both Olivia and the children would die!

The off-road vehicle was going at a high speed, and the road was also very slippery on rainy days. The sudden brake caused the steering wheel to malfunction. The vehicle crashed through the guardrail.

It was an even worse situation!

The sea was right below them. If the car fell into the sea, its passengers were bound to die!


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