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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 77

Chapter 77


Ethan silently stared at the paper in Chris‘ hands. Feeling pressured, Chris forced a smile. “The results are in. Mr. Miller, you have nothing to worry about. I told you she’d be fine. Take a look.”

Fine? Olivia frowned. A CT scan might miss the symptoms at the early stages of cancer when even the organs function just fine. But it was odd that the scan picked up nothing when she was in the late stage of stomach cancer.

While she was thinking hard, Ethan looked more relieved and grew hostile at the same time. He made his way to her with a grim expression.

She squirmed under his gaze, wondering what he had picked up from the results. Anger was not an emotion she expected to see in him after he learned the truth about her failing health.

He stood in front of her with eyes that burned in rage.

“So…” Her voice trailed.

He suddenly threw the papers at her and bellowed, “Take a look at it yourself!”

She picked up the CT results that showed no abnormalities. Even her blood test results came back normal, with the red and white blood cell counts hovering around 4.

Since she took a Neulasta injection last night, she wasn’t surprised by her normal white blood cell count. But the CT scan must have gone wrong somewhere. The top–notch facilities at the hospital couldn’t have missed her symptoms either.


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