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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 81

Chapter 81

Olivia said gratefully, “Thank you, Calvin.”

“Don’t thank me. It was our fault anyway. If word about this spreads, our hospital’s reputation would be ruined.”

Olivia replied, “Someone was targeting me, so it has nothing to do with the hospital. I won’t tell a soul. I hope that you can keep this a secret too. Don’t even tell Chris. I don’t want to alert anyone.”

Calvin nodded in understanding. “Let’s put this behind us for now. I suggest that you do another checkup. I’ll personally run the tests this time. If there’s any problem, we can start solving it earlier too.”

Olivia smiled and said, “It’s no big deal. Don’t worry.”

“Okay then. These machines are radioactive, so you shouldn’t be exposed to them too frequently in such a short period of time. If you want to have another checkup in a few months, then you can contact me any time.”


Calvin smiled warmly and said, “You’re well enough to be discharged now. I’ve already asked someone to deal with the procedures. By the way, let’s exchange phone numbers.”

Olivia added his number to her contacts on WhatsApp.

Calvin walked her out of the hospital and handed her the discharge documents he’d prepared. Then, they bid each other. goodbye. After Everly teased her and Calvin again, they finally left.

In the car, Olivia couldn’t stop thinking about the incident.

It definitely involved an insider at the hospital. The person couldn’t have executed his plan so flawlessly unless he was familiar with the ins and outs of the place.

Nevertheless, they didn’t have solid evidence. Since Calvin didn’t want to make a big fuss about it for the sake of the hospital’s reputation, he couldn’t investigate every department either.

There were more than a thousand employees at the hospital, including all the doctors, nurses, housemen, and part–timers combined. How was he supposed to investigate all of them?

The only clue he was left with was the surveillance footage. If it could be restored, then they would be able to catch the person who’d tampered with her report.


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