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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 810

When Ethan rushed back to the military naval ship, Olivia was already in a feverish daze. Her body was burning up, yet she murmured that she was cold.

"Sir, I've already administered some medications for Ms. Fordham. But her circumstances are unique. It would be dangerous if this fever doesn't go down soon," the doctor said nervously.

Fortunately, the ship was well-stocked with medical supplies too.

Ethan stayed by Olivia's side, but he could only wait for her fever to subside by itself.

The sky was still gray before dawn arrived. It was also misty outside, and the roaring of the sea could be heard clearly.

Ethan lay down beside Olivia while fully dressed and gazed at her tenderly.

They had been together every day for quite some time, but he had to pretend to be someone else. He didn't even dare to look her in the eye. He even raised her suspicions a few times.

It was a good thing that he was able to keep calm and avoid blowing his cover.

He reached out to caress Olivia's face. Her skin was still very soft, but it was burning up.

Ethan felt boundless remorse whenever he saw the thin layer of hair on her head. He murmured, "Liv …"

It seemed like Olivia was dreaming. She frowned as she muttered inaudible words under her breath.

Ethan carefully pulled her into his arms and patted her on the back to comfort her. "Don't be afraid. I'm here."

Olivia was indeed having a nightmare. She had gone back to the year when both she and Everly traveled around the world. Both of them were youthful and spirited.

They had promised themselves that they would see all the sights and taste all the delicious foods in the world.

That night, the seas were turbulent, the winds were howling, and the rain was pouring. There was an accident on the cruise ship and they fell into the sea.


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