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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 820

Olivia calmed down after she washed up.

She thought about how she had already been divorced from Ethan.

It would be okay even if she married another man. Some intimate contact was nothing. Was she supposed to be a widow for life because of Ethan?

Olivia held Alicia's hand as they were about to leave the room.

Suddenly, Alicia stopped in her tracks and pointed at some greenish-purple liquid on the floor. "Mom, look."

Olivia lowered her head to look. What was that?

It looked like mulberry juice, but they didn't eat any mulberries that day. The cleaner came to clean up the room in the morning too. Why would there be such a significant stain on the door?

Olivia opened the door and realized the floor had been mopped. However, it was still wet. The staff reminded them to be careful because the floor was wet.

Olivia asked in confusion, "I thought you cleaned in the mornings and evenings. Why did you clean in the afternoon today?"

"It's because a server tripped and dropped food everywhere, so we cleaned the place up."

"Alright. Thanks for letting me know."

Olivia thought to herself that it was just a few drops of juice, probably accidentally spilled by someone else.

Ethan didn't reappear for the rest of the day. Olivia didn't go looking for him either. But Alicia was clearly uneasy when the two of them were looking at the sunset by the beach.

"What's the matter?"

Alicia looked at the sunset and said, "I miss Zack."

They had been together since they were born. They were the same age, but Zack would always take care of her.

When they were on the run with Jack, they would sometimes not have any food, so Jack would hunt rabbits or fish. They would always give her the most tender parts of the meat.


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