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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 851

Ethan grasped the armrest tightly. During this whole time when he lost Olivia, he was worried about Olivia and Alicia getting harmed.

Despite knowing that the items should be clean before getting sold, he couldn't help the restlessness.

When he heard the host introducing the first goods, his heart raced.

Only when he realized that it had nothing to do with Olivia did he heave a sigh of relief.

It seemed like things were going as he had expected—Flora placed Olivia as the last good.

He grabbed the armrest tightly.

Time ticked past second by second.

Due to the early teaser of decent goods, the tension wasn't high during the beginning. Everyone was waiting for the final auction item.

In the meantime, Joshua had given Ethan water several times, but the latter didn't drink it.

When it was finally time to reveal the final item, Flora personally went onstage.

Her high heels clacked as she trodded to the middle of the stage in a red dress.

Her hot body had all of the men gawking. Some of them even whistled.

Her mask covered her malicious expression. "I bet everyone is on the edge after waiting for so long. We'll be revealing our final item soon."

She clapped her hands, and her subordinates pushed over two cages that were covered with a black cloth.

Ethan's chest tightened.

"Stop playing tricks with us. Let us see the goods!"

"I know, right? We've waited all night long; we're not interested in these small theatrics. Hurry up! Show us the good stuff!"

Flora's gaze swept across the masks, and she could recognize Ethan right away.

The man sat amongst the crowd with his face covered with a mask. No one could see his expression.

She could only see him crossing his legs while resting his arms on the armrest confidently.

She could feel the cold aura looming from him despite the far distance.

Flora felt that the man somehow carried the air of a big shot. He did not seem like the small fry she expected.


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