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Even After Death Novel (Olivia Fordham And Ethan Miller) novel Chapter 927

Chapter 927

Despite his sharp tongue, Joel had always been a man with a soft heart.

“Do you know how many times he had told me off? He just won’t stop scolding me. If I had not told him that you’ll return Olivia to him, I wouldn’t have known what to do.”

“Thank you so much for pulling some strings, Uncle Tucker.”

Joel waved his hand.

“Enough with this. I promised you because I saw the potential in her. If she was useless, I wouldn’t have wasted my time on this.

“Let’s talk about you. Are you really willing to let her go? Don’t regret it tomorrow. I’m too old to play games with you youngsters.

“Don’t worry, Uncle Tucker. I was immature back then. I thought that what I did was for her sake. Now, I

understand that loving someone is not fettering her wings but respecting her dreams.”

“You wouldn’t have ended up this way if you realized this sooner. But it’s still not too late to make up for

your mistakes. You have a long journey ahead.”

“Got it.”

“Now, scram. Let’s not meet each other anymore.”

“Thank you for taking care of us this whole time, Uncle Tucker.” Ethan left and entered the car.

Olivia didn’t know what kind of conversation the men shared. She kept feeling that Ethan had changed a lot compared to before.

The car was slowly driven out of the basement. After they steered through the darkness, it was bright

ahead of them.

The streets were filled to the brim with people who were excited to welcome the New Year.

“It’s been years since we last welcomed the New Year together,” Ethan suddenly exclaimed.

“Yeah.” Comment by soonyoung gu: whose fault is that

After a race with the death, Olivia felt fortunate to be able to stay alive. She didn’t even notice that it was

almost time to welcome the New Year.

Today’s the last day. Where are you taking me?” She looked at him.

You’ll find out when we arrive.”

The car was slowly driven out of the city, heading toward the suburbs. The dancing snowflakes adorned

the beautiful scenery with a light touch.

The road was getting steeper. The farther they traveled, the fewer buildings they could see.

In the end, there was only snow and the woods.


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