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Every Breath You Take novel Chapter 149

Eva was seriously injured and sent to the hospital. Lassie and Jerry were taken to the police station.

Monica soon knew what happened. Yale and Uriah were burned to death, and Eva was hospitalized. What awaited her would be a life-long prison. Those who caused the death of her mother got what they deserved. Monica had avenged her mother, but she didn't feel happy at all. If possible, she would rather not take revenge, as long as her mother was still alive.

After being rescued, Eva was finally out of danger. After a few days of recuperation, she finally regained consciousness. She only cared about Madrigal now. She didn't know how Madrigal was doing.

Eva missed Madrigal, but Madrigal did not miss her at all.

The death of Yale and Uriah upset Madrigal, because she became penniless. She didn't know how to support her two babies. She was a ruthless person. How could she let the two useless children be her burden? So she dumped the babies in an orphanage.

It was really beyond people's imagination that a mother was so vicious. Fortunately, Quarmy had contacted the children's father. After taking a paternity test, the children's father took them away from the orphanage. Although the two children did not have mother's love, they had a father. It was a blessing in misfortune.

Madrigal's life didn't get better after abandoning her babies. She had planned to come to Eva, but when she knew that Eva was also penniless, she gave up this idea. In her eyes, Eva was no longer useful. Naturally, she would not come to visit Eva.

All Eva cared about was Madrigal, but Madrigal didn't even come to visit her. She really felt upset. After staying in the hospital for a few days, she got better. She tried to call Madrigal, but no one answered.

Madrigal had no time to care about Eva. She was having a hard time. All she cared about was how to get money and live a comfortable life again.

She had been lazy, so it was impossible for her to work. After thinking for a while, she decided to come to Zoe. Although Zoe's property had been seized, she did not believe that Zoe didn't have any money left. Maybe Zoe had private savings.

Zoe should have been in jail, but he was compassionate release because of his physical condition. Madrigal finally saw Zoe as his daughter.

Madrigal told Zoe what had happened to her. As she spoke, she cried. Seeing Madrigal dressed plainly with a sallow face, Zoe was softhearted. He didn't know that Madrigal deliberately put some effort into dressing and appearance, in order to get his sympathy.

Zoe firmly believed that Madrigal was his daughter. When Yale came to him with Madrigal at that time, he personally took a paternity test. Though Yale deserved to die, Madrigal was innocent.

Zoe even thought that Madrigal was not bad in nature. If she hadn't been corrupted by that b*tch Yale, she would have been as kind as Monica.

With this idea, Zoe thought that he should help Madrigal.

His property had been seized. What he had now were the ancient paintings that he gave Quarmy before. The ancient paintings should be Monica's dowry. Zoe decided to let Monica give one of the ancient paintings to Madrigal.

When Monica came to the hospital to visit Zoe, Zoe told Monica about this. He wanted Monica to give one of the ancient paintings to Madrigal or give Madrigal some money so that Madrigal could live a better life.

Monica didn't care about money, but Zoe's request made her very angry. Those ancient paintings were originally Francisco's, and were shamelessly taken by Zoe. How could Zoe make such a request? Monica couldn't help asking Zoe, "I have something to ask you. You always say that those ancient paintings are from your ancestors. Is that true?"

Zoe was a little embarrassed. "Of course. Otherwise, how could I afford them?"

Monica didn't expect Zoe to continue lying. She didn't want to embarrass Zoe, but Zoe really disappointed her. She sneered and asked, "Those ancient paintings belong to my uncle. Do you think you have the right to deal with them? Haven't you ever felt guilty since you took them?" Zoe blushed because of Monica's question. He begged in a low voice, "Moni, Madrigal is too poor. She is a girl. How can she survive without any money? You and she are sisters. Please help her for Dad's sake."

Monica was irritated by Zoe's words. "Is she terminally ill or disabled? Why can't she go to work and support herself?"

"Madrigal has never suffered since she was a child, and she was spoiled by Yale, the b*tch. It'll take her some time to change..."

Monica rudely interrupted Zoe. "If she wants to change, it's time for her to regret. I don't think it takes time to change. She needs to be pushed. As long as she's willing to work hard, she won't starve to death!"

"You and Quarmy have so much money. Just regard Madrigal as a beggar!" Zoe still tried to persuade Monica.

"No one is born noble in this world. I won't help Madrigal just because I'm rich. There are more people who are more miserable than her! I'd rather help poor children." Monica sneered. "Besides, I'm also poor. Quarmy's money has nothing to do with me!"

This time, Monica left the hospital unhappily. She was still angry when she went back. Summer asked her what happened. She told Summer what Zoe said, which made Summer very angry. "Your father is really shameless. He didn't care much about you when you were having a hard time. Now, for the sake of Madrigal, that little b*tch, he even begged you. Don't let him get to you, he's not worth it!" Monica sighed. "I don't care about money. If Madrigal sincerely regrets, I will give her a chance. But you see how shameless and vicious she is. She even abandoned her own babies."

"Yeah, we should never sympathize with such a person. Your father is really blind."

Since the bad guys had been punished, Jenny no longer needed to stay in the hospital. She came to see Monica after she left the hospital. Jenny had taken a lot of effort to bring Monica back.

When she came to see Monica, she personally brought the soup she made. Jenny was used to being waited on, and she rarely cooked herself. Monica was very touched when she saw Jenny's soup.

"You're not well either, so don't bother. Uncle will cook for me."

"That's what I should do. I didn't take care of you when you were pregnant with Coco and made you suffer so much. Now I have the chance, how can I give up?" Jenny smiled and handed the soup to Monica. "Try it, it's good for both you and the child!"

Monica did not refuse her. She took the soup and took a few sips. The two of them intimately chatted for a while. Jenny proposed to let Monica move to the Huo family so that she could take care of Monica.

Monica knew what she meant. "I'm used to staying here. I'll be uncomfortable if I suddenly move. Let's talk about it after the baby is born."

"Moni, give me a chance. Let me take care of you. I promise I will love you like your mother." Jenny requested.

The word ''mother1' made Monica want to cry. She had married Quarmy for so many years. Although she used to call Jenny Mom, she knew that Jenny had never liked her. At this moment, Jenny's expression and sincere tone let Monica knew that Jenny really wanted to make up for it. But now she could only thank Jenny. After being refused, Jenny left with disappointment.

In the evening, when Quarmy returned home, Jenny told him about this. "Son, you have to work harder. Don't let Monica be with Leon."

"Mom, don't worry. I'm sure that Monica will be with me." Quarmy was full of confidence. During this period, he had been pleasing Coco, Monica, and even Summer. Monica's attitude towards him was still the same as before, but Coco and Summer had changed a lot. Summer was no longer impolite to him, and Coco began to call him Dad. With Coco around, he believed that Monica would be with him again.

"I think you'd better not be too optimistic!" Jenny was not as optimistic as Quarmy.

"Don't worry, Mom. Moni is not a cruel person!"

Hearing that, Jenny also felt relieved.

Zoe was really worried about Madrigal. Seeing that he couldn't persuade Monica, he decided to turn to Quarmy. When Quarmy came to visit him, he told Quarmy what he had told Monica. Quarmy was also angry. How could Zoe be so partial? Originally, he didn't want to irritate Zoe, but since Zoe was so stubborn, he had to tell the truth. Yale was a popular woman in the Cat's Alley and had affairs with countless men. Who knew if Madrigal was Zoe's daughter? If Madrigal regretted, Quarmy would not expose this matter. Since Madrigal was so shameless, he had to teach her a lesson and let Zoe know the truth.

Quarmy took Zoe's hair and Madrigal's hair and sent them to the paternity testing agency. A few days later, the results came out. Quarmy gave the report to Zoe.

The report said that Zoe and Madrigal had no blood relationship. Zoe vomited blood and fainted on the spot.

After being rescued, Zoe burst into tears. He really couldn't accept that he had raised another man's daughter! But why the previous paternity test told him that Madrigal was his daughter?

Quarmy sneered and told him that the samples for the paternity test were secretly changed, and what he got was not the true results at all.

Zoe knew who did it without thinking. He was so angry that he gnashed his teeth. At this time, Madrigal came to him again. When he saw Madrigal, he threw a teacup at her.

Tea poured all over Madrigal's face and the makeup she had deliberately put on to fool Zoe was ruined. Seeing this, Zoe was so angry that he almost vomited blood again.

He pointed at Madrigal and said, "B*tch, get out of here!"

"Dad, are you crazy? I'm Madrigal, your daughter Madrigal!" "Get out! You b*stard!" Zoe trembled. Quarmy sneered, "Miss Jane, look!"

Madrigal took the report and read it. "What does that mean?"

"It means that you are not Mayor Jane's daughter."

"No way!" Madrigal was also stunned. She always believed that she was Zoe's daughter.

"Why not? Your mother Yale used to be a popular woman in the Cat's Alley. I wonder whose daughter you are. Of course, you can also ask your uncle Jake. Maybe he will know it!"

Madrigal's face turned red, and then she ran away helter-skelter.

Eva recovered well. Hearing that, Jenny went to the hospital to visit her. When Eva saw Jenny, she thought she was dreaming. She opened her eyes wide in disbelief. Hadn't Jenny become a vegetable? Why was she here? Eva rubbed her eyes and muttered to herself, "Am I dreaming?"

"You're not dreaming. I'm still alive. Are you disappointed?" Jenny sneered.

Hearing Jenny's mocking voice, Eva knew that Jenny was really alive. She was so scared that she started to argue. "I didn't mean to do that to you. It's Yale's fault. She had something on me and threatened me..."

"Enough, you don't have to act anymore. I know what you have done!" Jenny interrupted her and looked at her disgustedly.

This woman lying on the hospital bed used to be her best friend. It was said that doctors were angels that saved lives, but this woman was a venomous snake. This woman used her trust to hurt her family. Her son and daughter-in-law were separated, and she almost died.

Thinking of all that had happened in the past, Jenny couldn't wait to skin Eva to vent her anger.

"In the past, I was really blind. I even took you as my best friend. It's really funny. The woman who looks beautiful and noble is actually so vicious. You even had affair with a hooligan and Zoe. In addition to hurting me, you also killed your own sister. Eva, How can you be so evil?" Jenny questioned.

"I didn't!"

"Eva, don't deny it. I know everything. I'm not here to visit you today. I'm here to see how you get your retribution. By the way, I'll tell you something." Jenny looked at Eva disdainfully. She wondered what would Eva do if she knew that Madrigal was not her own daughter.

Hearing that, Eva lowered her head and did not dare to look at Jenny. Although Jenny had a bad temper and was snobbish, she was really good to her and shared everything with her. If it was not for her daughter's happiness, she would never have hurt Jenny. Although Eva felt guilty, she did not think she was wrong. She did all these for her daughter. She didn't regret it at all.

"I know why you tried your best to help Yale and her daughter. You must think that Madrigal is your biological daughter, right? I'm telling you, you're wrong. Madrigal is Yale's daughter. You've been deceived!" Seeing Eva lowering her head, Jenny felt disgusted. She knew that Eva didn't regret it at all, so she didn't need to be merciful.

Eva didn't believe it. She retorted, "Impossible!"

"How is it impossible? Do you think that you are very smart and only you can plot against others?" Jenny sneered. "Yale is not an idiot. She knew that you wanted to switch the two kids, so she used it to set you up!"

"No! She didn't know!" Since Jenny knew everything, Eva didn't want to act anymore. "Jake wouldn't be so ruthless to send his daughter away!"

"Haha! Eva, you are really an idiot. Yale discovered that you wanted to set her and Zoe up. It was you and Zoe who had sex that night. Your child was not Jake's at all, do you understand?" Jenny sneered. "You are really pathetic. For a so-called daughter, you have been used by Yale for so many years!"

"No, you hate me so you deliberately lied to me. I won't believe what you said. Madrigal is my daughter!" Eva did not believe it at all.

"Since you are so stubborn, let Jake tell you the truth!" With that said, the door of the ward was pushed open and Jake came in.

"Eva, what Madam Huo said is true. After you had sex with Zoe, Yale asked me to take you away. You asked me to switch the two children, but it was discovered by Yale. She threatened me to hide it from you and not switch the children. The child you asked me to take away is your biological daughter. Her blood type is different from yours or mine. I'm sure that she is Zoe's biological daughter. When you asked me to take her away, I felt sorry for her so I put your jade pendant on her." Jake told Eva everything.

Eva wouldn't believe it. "I don't believe it. You're lying, you're lying!"

"Do we have to lie to you?" Jenny asked. "Just accept it."

"No! I don't believe it!" Eva screamed. If what they said was true, she had been helping Yale's daughter. Mary was her biological daughter. How could Eva accept the fact that she had killed her own daughter?

"I know why you don't believe it. You used Mary to set Quarmy up and let Nine kill Mary. You deny it because you don't want to believe that you killed your own daughter, but that's the truth. Mary is your daughter. If you don't believe it, you can take a paternity test."

Eva was about to break down. "No. Madrigal is my daughter. Stop lying to me. I won't believe it!"

"You are really stubborn. Eva, don't deny it. We have taken a paternity test with your and Mary's hair. As a result, Mary is really your biological daughter. In fact, you should have found that Mary looks like you, if you hadn't put all your efforts into framing others."

What Jenny said was true. Mary really looked like Eva, but Eva never expected Mary to be her daughter.

"You deserve it! Eva, don't think that you can get rid of the punishment just because Yale is dead. I tell you, I won't let you go! You should be punished. You're going to spend the rest of your life in prison with guilty and remorse!" Jenny looked at Eva with contempt and strode out of the ward.

Lassie and Jerry were taken to the police station for interrogation. Lassie knew that she was going down. Even if she could escape, Jenny would not let her go. Anyway, she was going to die, so she didn't want to let Jerry go. Her eye was blind because of Jerry. Lassie said that she was ordered by Jerry.

Chapter 149 1

Chapter 149 2


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