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Ex-husband Unmasked He’s a Billionaire novel Chapter 121

Chapter 121 

The world’s wealthiest person and a leader in military and political circles?” 

Lena’s eyes widened in disbelief as she almost slammed on the brakes in shock

Do you believe me?Cameron asked with a mischievous grin

Do I believe you? If that’s the case, then I must be one of the top five martial artists in the world, capable of destroying you in minutes!” 

Lena rolled her eyes at him again

She was evidently not buying his story. To her, it was just another one of Cameron’s tall tales

Cameron knew Lena would react this way, which explained his hesitancy from before

So, you must be a nationallevel secret agent. Is that why you can’t disclose your identity?Lena suddenly asked with a serious expression

Considering Cameron’s skills and deliberate concealment of his identity, this was her most plausible explanation

Secret agent?” 

Cameron raised an eyebrow

Or not?” 

Lena frowned slightly, her gaze becoming wary

Don’t tell me you’re actually a foreign spy?” 

A foreign spy?” 

Cameron was taken aback, then chuckled

Well, okay, I am indeed a secret agent. I’m Agent 003, assigned by the Ministry of State Security.” 

Given Lena’s disbelief in anything he said, he opted to discard all of his statements

Hmph, just as I thought,Lena said proudly, tilting her chin up

She was convinced Cameron was indeed a secret agent

Cameron found himself at a loss for words. Why did honesty lead to disbelief while a fabricated story gained credibility? And what sort of agent designation was “003supposed to be, anyway

What’s with that look?Lena asked when she noticed Cameron’s expression, which annoyed her slightly

She felt as though she was being mocked

Chapter 121 


Nothing, I’m just impressed by how you could guess my identity so precisely,Cameron praised

Of course!” 

Lena lifted her chin a bit higher

Cameron was slightly amused at her response. He speculated that Lena might not be the smartest person despite her fiery demeanor

By the way, Colonel Bailey, do you know who hired the mercenaries that attacked Laura or which organization they might be from?” 

Cameron suddenly remembered the recent attack and sought clues from Lena

At the mention of the attack, Lena’s gaze sharpened

Right now, I’m not entirely sure. I only know those guys are foreign mercenaries who sneaked into the country a week ago. I’ve been closely monitoring their movements. I didn’t expect their target to 

be Laura.” 


Mercenaries who entered the country a week ago?Cameron murmured in echo, then asked, Colonel Bailey, didn’t you capture one of their accomplices? Did you get any useful information out of him?” 

Don’t even mention it,Lena said irritably

That guy committed suicide by poisoning himself on the way back while under my subordinate’s 


Suicide by poisoning?” 


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